Given Name
Variant Name
Active period
1504 - 1547
Cathédrale de Langres
Chapelle royale de France ?
Sint-Gilliskerk in Brugge
Sint-Romboutskathedraal in Mechelen
F-ADHM, 2 G 10. Plumitif cathédrale de Langres, 1503-1506. Inventaire en ligne
F° 55 v (1504) : Jean Richefort, de Namur, clerc-musicien (29 novembre). — F° 56 r° : Jean Demongeot, clerc-chantre, de Bourbonne (17 décembre). —
Il s’agit de la première mention connue de Richafort. Voir Dictionnaire
Sherr 1988, p. 77-78
Jean Richafort
Although none of the documents mentioned here specifically states that Richafort was a member of any royal chapel, it seems almost certain that he belonged to Anne's chapel because the benefice he received was in Brittany. These are the earliest documents connecting him with the French court.82 He was also one of the singers of the chapel of Fran?ois I to receive benefices and favors from Leo X.83
RS 1397, fol. 219v: supplication dated o November, 1512. Franciscus, Bishop-elect of Nantes has resigned the parish church of Touches in the diocese of Nantes. Richafort, described as a cleric of Liege [and not as a singer in any royal chapel], 84 asks for the benefice. The income was not expected to exceed 1 oo ducats.
RS 1399, fols. 157r-5 7v: supplication dated o November, 1512. Another document concerning the same benefice, and others claimed by Egide Charpentier, Jean Nolin, and Balduin Lupi. See Charpentier above.
See Lawrence Bernstein, La Couronne et Fleur des Chansons a Troys, Part 2: Commentary; Masters and Monuments of the Renaissance, vol. 3 (New York, 1984) for a summary of Richafort's biography.
83 RV 1206, fols.
468r-46gv: bull dated 3oJanuary, 1516. Richafort is given a dispensation allowing him to hold incompatible benefices. He is also described as rector of the parish church of Touches in the diocese of Nantes "Johannes Richafort, clericus Leodiensis."
F° 55 v (1504) : Jean Richefort, de Namur, clerc-musicien (29 novembre). — F° 56 r° : Jean Demongeot, clerc-chantre, de Bourbonne (17 décembre). —
Il s’agit de la première mention connue de Richafort. Voir Dictionnaire
Sherr 1988, p. 77-78
Jean Richafort
Although none of the documents mentioned here specifically states that Richafort was a member of any royal chapel, it seems almost certain that he belonged to Anne's chapel because the benefice he received was in Brittany. These are the earliest documents connecting him with the French court.82 He was also one of the singers of the chapel of Fran?ois I to receive benefices and favors from Leo X.83
RS 1397, fol. 219v: supplication dated o November, 1512. Franciscus, Bishop-elect of Nantes has resigned the parish church of Touches in the diocese of Nantes. Richafort, described as a cleric of Liege [and not as a singer in any royal chapel], 84 asks for the benefice. The income was not expected to exceed 1 oo ducats.
RS 1399, fols. 157r-5 7v: supplication dated o November, 1512. Another document concerning the same benefice, and others claimed by Egide Charpentier, Jean Nolin, and Balduin Lupi. See Charpentier above.
See Lawrence Bernstein, La Couronne et Fleur des Chansons a Troys, Part 2: Commentary; Masters and Monuments of the Renaissance, vol. 3 (New York, 1984) for a summary of Richafort's biography.
83 RV 1206, fols.
468r-46gv: bull dated 3oJanuary, 1516. Richafort is given a dispensation allowing him to hold incompatible benefices. He is also described as rector of the parish church of Touches in the diocese of Nantes "Johannes Richafort, clericus Leodiensis."