Given Name
Active period
1452 - 1453
Wegman BSCE
fl. 1452. RomeSP
HabR 236.
Sur Jean Britoni a Rome SP, Reynolds 1995:
• p.39: Regarding the scribal payments, see chapter 4. A Johannes Britoni in artibus magister from the Norman diocese of Avranches was at the Council of Basel in 1440; Concilium Basiliense: Studien und Quellen zur Geschichte des Concils yon Basel , 7:44. Other possible references to him are at Treviso in 1448, where Johannes Brit cantor may have served as magister; at Mantua (or Ferrara) in 1460, where a Giovanni Brith sang "moderno maxime arie alla Veneziana"; and in Udine, where Giovanni Britti was maestro di cappella at the cathedral in 1471; see Giovanni D'Alessi, La cappella musicale del duomo di Treviso (1300-1633) , 44-45; and Giuseppe Vale, "La cappella musicale del duomo di Udine," 95.
•p.99: Book-related payments that survive from Nicholas V's years pertain not to copying but to extensive repairs. Britoni worked from September 1452 into February 1453 mending and binding missals and other books of the choir (docs. 1452b, d, and 1453a-c). For his efforts he received 7 ducats papales , equivalent to what Ausquier later received for SPB80.
• p.199: Then in October 1455 three salaried singers returned to the basilica, Guillelmus along with the northerners [p. 199] Johannes Corbie and Britoni. Since these two others had been at St. Peter's for several years—Corbie may have arrived as early as 1449 or 1450, and Britoni was there by September 1452—there is the possibility that Guillelmus had been rehired as well.
• Docs, p.319-322:
1452b. fol. 79v, 30 Sept.—solvimus de mandato eius dem [domini vicarii Conradi], Britoni nostr o can tori, pro repar atione duorum missalium et ligatura ... duc. 1.
1452d. fol. 87r, 24 Dec.—solvimus de man dato domi ni vicarii, Britoni nost ro can tori, pro repar atione missalium et aliorum librorum nostri chori ... duc. 2
1453a. fol. 91v, 1 Jan.—solvimus Britoni nostro can thori, pro par te solutionis librorum qu os repar avit in nostro choro ... duc. 1 papalem
1453b. fol. 94v, 20 Jan.—solvimus de man dato domi ni vicarii, Britoni nostr o can tori pro repar atione librorum . nostri chori ... duc. 2 papales
1453c. fol. 96r, 12 Feb.—solvimus Britoni nostr o can tori pro repar atione librorum nostri chori ... duc. 1 papalem
1472c. fol. 80v, 12 Sept.—solvi, de manda to vicarii, Johanni Britoni cartu [la]rio, pro duobus libris da tre quinterni l'uno ... bol. 42
1472d. fol. 84r, 10 Oct.—Die dicta solvi Johanni Britoni cartulario, pro tribus quin ternis carte pecorine ad scribendum lectionarium , per manus Innocentii ... bol. 68
1474a. fol. 51v, 31 May—solvi pro ligatura unius psalterii, magist ro Johanni Britoni, de mandat o vicarii ... duc. 1
• Listes, p.330-: Bertoni: 10/1455-2/1456*. Possibly Britoni /Britoni: 9 and 12/1452-2/1453*. Possibly Bertoni / Carulo Britonio (Karulo Sancti Briotii): half of 5-6/1465; 9/1465-1/1466. Sop.
Pas de précision sur le Jean Britoni des années 1470.
fl. 1452. RomeSP
HabR 236.
Sur Jean Britoni a Rome SP, Reynolds 1995:
• p.39: Regarding the scribal payments, see chapter 4. A Johannes Britoni in artibus magister from the Norman diocese of Avranches was at the Council of Basel in 1440; Concilium Basiliense: Studien und Quellen zur Geschichte des Concils yon Basel , 7:44. Other possible references to him are at Treviso in 1448, where Johannes Brit cantor may have served as magister; at Mantua (or Ferrara) in 1460, where a Giovanni Brith sang "moderno maxime arie alla Veneziana"; and in Udine, where Giovanni Britti was maestro di cappella at the cathedral in 1471; see Giovanni D'Alessi, La cappella musicale del duomo di Treviso (1300-1633) , 44-45; and Giuseppe Vale, "La cappella musicale del duomo di Udine," 95.
•p.99: Book-related payments that survive from Nicholas V's years pertain not to copying but to extensive repairs. Britoni worked from September 1452 into February 1453 mending and binding missals and other books of the choir (docs. 1452b, d, and 1453a-c). For his efforts he received 7 ducats papales , equivalent to what Ausquier later received for SPB80.
• p.199: Then in October 1455 three salaried singers returned to the basilica, Guillelmus along with the northerners [p. 199] Johannes Corbie and Britoni. Since these two others had been at St. Peter's for several years—Corbie may have arrived as early as 1449 or 1450, and Britoni was there by September 1452—there is the possibility that Guillelmus had been rehired as well.
• Docs, p.319-322:
1452b. fol. 79v, 30 Sept.—solvimus de mandato eius dem [domini vicarii Conradi], Britoni nostr o can tori, pro repar atione duorum missalium et ligatura ... duc. 1.
1452d. fol. 87r, 24 Dec.—solvimus de man dato domi ni vicarii, Britoni nost ro can tori, pro repar atione missalium et aliorum librorum nostri chori ... duc. 2
1453a. fol. 91v, 1 Jan.—solvimus Britoni nostro can thori, pro par te solutionis librorum qu os repar avit in nostro choro ... duc. 1 papalem
1453b. fol. 94v, 20 Jan.—solvimus de man dato domi ni vicarii, Britoni nostr o can tori pro repar atione librorum . nostri chori ... duc. 2 papales
1453c. fol. 96r, 12 Feb.—solvimus Britoni nostr o can tori pro repar atione librorum nostri chori ... duc. 1 papalem
1472c. fol. 80v, 12 Sept.—solvi, de manda to vicarii, Johanni Britoni cartu [la]rio, pro duobus libris da tre quinterni l'uno ... bol. 42
1472d. fol. 84r, 10 Oct.—Die dicta solvi Johanni Britoni cartulario, pro tribus quin ternis carte pecorine ad scribendum lectionarium , per manus Innocentii ... bol. 68
1474a. fol. 51v, 31 May—solvi pro ligatura unius psalterii, magist ro Johanni Britoni, de mandat o vicarii ... duc. 1
• Listes, p.330-: Bertoni: 10/1455-2/1456*. Possibly Britoni /Britoni: 9 and 12/1452-2/1453*. Possibly Bertoni / Carulo Britonio (Karulo Sancti Briotii): half of 5-6/1465; 9/1465-1/1466. Sop.
Pas de précision sur le Jean Britoni des années 1470.
Haberl 1887