Given Name
Employee of a court chapel (musician)
Active period
1525 - 1559
Capella imperialis (Imperium Romanum Sacrum)
A rédiger d’après NG2 et autres :
Payen, Nicolas [Colin]
(b Soignies, c1512; d Madrid, after 24 April 1559). South Netherlandish composer. According to Fétis, Payen received his earliest musical education at St Vincent’s, Soignies, before becoming a choirboy in Charles V’s chapel in Spain. Payen’s name is mentioned there from 1525 and appears in the prebendal lists for Mons and Gorinchem. During the 1530s he may have interrupted his service with the emperor for university studies. From 1540 he was in Charles’s chapel as clerc d’oratoire, chapelain des hautes messes, and from 1556 as maestro de capilla, succeeding Canis. In 1558 he was granted a canonry in the collegiate church of Tournai and at the time of his death he held numerous prebends. Very little research has been done on Payen’s music. Most of his works are sacred, and the two extant state motets show his concern for expressing the emotional content of the texts. In negotiations with the Duke of Bavaria, the imperial vice-chancellor Dr Seld named Payen among the representatives of musica reservata.
Benedictus Dominus, 5vv, 155411; Carole cur defles, 4vv, 15452 (on death of Queen Isabella); Confitemur dilecta nostra, 4vv, 15482; Convertemini ad me, 4vv, 15482; Domine demonstrasti mihi, 4vv, 15482; Domine Deus salutis, 4vv, 15482; Eripe me de inimicis, 4vv, 155411; In Gott gelaub ich das er hat, 4vv, 154421, ed. in DDT, xxxiv (1908/R); Nisi quia Dominus, 4vv, 15536; Quis dabit capiti, 4vv, 15476 (state motet); Resurrectio Christi, 5vv, 15467
Avecque vous, 4vv, 154410; Fringotes jeune fillettes, 4vv, 153819 (lute intabulation 154632); Hau de par Dieu, 4vv, 153819; Il y a de lagnon, 153819 (lute intabulation 154812); Je ne me puis tenir, 4vv, 154313
A. Sandberger: Beiträge zur Geschichte der bayerischen Hofkapelle unter Orlando di Lasso, iii (Leipzig, 1895/R)
A. Demeuldre: Le chapitre de Saint-Vincent à Soignies (Soignies, 1902)
J. Schmidt-Görg: Nicolas Gombert (Bonn, 1938/R)
M. van Crevel: Adrianus Petit Coclico (The Hague, 1940)
H. Anglès: La musica en la corte de Carlos V (Barcelona, 1944)
A. Dunning: Die Staatsmotette 1480–1555 (Utrecht, 1970)
+ Dans la confrérie du diocèse de bourges ci-dessous ??? (voir Notes complémentaires)
Payen, Nicolas [Colin]
(b Soignies, c1512; d Madrid, after 24 April 1559). South Netherlandish composer. According to Fétis, Payen received his earliest musical education at St Vincent’s, Soignies, before becoming a choirboy in Charles V’s chapel in Spain. Payen’s name is mentioned there from 1525 and appears in the prebendal lists for Mons and Gorinchem. During the 1530s he may have interrupted his service with the emperor for university studies. From 1540 he was in Charles’s chapel as clerc d’oratoire, chapelain des hautes messes, and from 1556 as maestro de capilla, succeeding Canis. In 1558 he was granted a canonry in the collegiate church of Tournai and at the time of his death he held numerous prebends. Very little research has been done on Payen’s music. Most of his works are sacred, and the two extant state motets show his concern for expressing the emotional content of the texts. In negotiations with the Duke of Bavaria, the imperial vice-chancellor Dr Seld named Payen among the representatives of musica reservata.
Benedictus Dominus, 5vv, 155411; Carole cur defles, 4vv, 15452 (on death of Queen Isabella); Confitemur dilecta nostra, 4vv, 15482; Convertemini ad me, 4vv, 15482; Domine demonstrasti mihi, 4vv, 15482; Domine Deus salutis, 4vv, 15482; Eripe me de inimicis, 4vv, 155411; In Gott gelaub ich das er hat, 4vv, 154421, ed. in DDT, xxxiv (1908/R); Nisi quia Dominus, 4vv, 15536; Quis dabit capiti, 4vv, 15476 (state motet); Resurrectio Christi, 5vv, 15467
Avecque vous, 4vv, 154410; Fringotes jeune fillettes, 4vv, 153819 (lute intabulation 154632); Hau de par Dieu, 4vv, 153819; Il y a de lagnon, 153819 (lute intabulation 154812); Je ne me puis tenir, 4vv, 154313
A. Sandberger: Beiträge zur Geschichte der bayerischen Hofkapelle unter Orlando di Lasso, iii (Leipzig, 1895/R)
A. Demeuldre: Le chapitre de Saint-Vincent à Soignies (Soignies, 1902)
J. Schmidt-Görg: Nicolas Gombert (Bonn, 1938/R)
M. van Crevel: Adrianus Petit Coclico (The Hague, 1940)
H. Anglès: La musica en la corte de Carlos V (Barcelona, 1944)
A. Dunning: Die Staatsmotette 1480–1555 (Utrecht, 1970)
+ Dans la confrérie du diocèse de bourges ci-dessous ??? (voir Notes complémentaires)