Given Name
Variant Name
Date of birth
circa 1520
Active period
1533 - 1553
Collégiale Saint-Omer de Saint-Omer
Collégiate church of Saint-Omer, 1533. Mary of Hungary wrote to the chapter of Saint-Omer on 29 March 1533 (o.s.) to ask him to send one of his choirboys, “Michielet Cobrize,” to Brussels for an audition. On 13 April she wrote back after the audition to say that although Michelet was well versed in music, he was a little too big and unable to adapt himself to the needs of her chapel (bien sachant sa musique / neantmoings pour ce quil est ung peu grand et quil ne se pourroit bonnement plyer selon que desirons pour le chant de n[ost]re chapelle), and consequently she sent him back to Charles (see Kirkman 2008, 118-121).
Kirkman, Andrew. “The Seeds of Medieval Music: Choirboys and Musical Training in a Late-Medieval Maîtrise.” In Young choristers 650-1700, ed. Susan Boynton and Eric Rice (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2008), p. 104-122.
The name Cobrice is attested in the eighteenth century in the village of Renescure, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, not far from Saint-Omer.
• Œuvre : Susato 1553, SCM n° 15
1 Cobrise Ana floreat sicut lilium Liber sextus ecclesiasticarum cantionum 1553/13 Susato Antwerp Belgium 4 PT
2 Cobrise O radix Liber sextus ecclesiasticarum cantionum 1553/13 Susato Antwerp Belgium 4 PT
3 Cobrise Annoa floret sicut lilium ZwiR 79/2 1564 in MS Schrei, Johannes; Jacob Morgenstern Zwickau? Germany, E. 1 MS
4 Cobrise Oradit viva mirae pietatis ZwiR 79/2 1564 in MS Schrei, Johannes; Jacob Morgenstern Zwickau? Germany, E. 1 MS
Itinénaires [sic] musicaux en Lorraine: sources, événements, compositeurs ... - Page 245 Yves Ferraton - 2002 : Texte intégré par Cobrise (1553/13) dans la « secunda pars » de son motet Anna floret. Antienne majeure du 22 décembre ...
Monatshefte für Musik-Geschichte, Volumes 10-11 Gesellschaft für Musikforschung (1868-1906) - 1878
Page 32
Časopis Moravského musea v Brně: Vědy společanské. Acta Musei ..., Volumes 68-69 - Page 176
Moravské muzeum v Brně - 1983
... Salomon Clemens non Papa, Jacobus Cleve, Johann Cobrise Colin, Pierre Comes, B. Conseil, ...
Bibliographie der Musik-Werke in der Ratsschulbibliothek zu Zwickau Ratsschulbibliothek Zwickau, Reinhard Vollhardt - 1896 - 299 pages
Page 51
Zwickau, Ratsschulbibliothek
VollBM [see bibliography] 43
26 motets, 3 German sacred pieces, 1 German secular piece = 30
(Bacchius)-1, Clemens non Papa-7, (Clemens non Papa/Maessens)-1, Cobrise-1, (Crecquillon)-1, (Feys)-1, Gombert-1, Lassus [Orlan-dus]-3, (Le Maistre)-2, (Maillard)-1, Manchicourt/(Clemens non Papa)-1, Meiland-1, Phinot-1, (Reusch)-1, Scandello-2 (Schröter) -1, (Senfl)-1, (Sermisy)-1, Verdelot/(Richafort)-1, anon-1
4 paper partbooks of an original 5 (D-i + 41 + i folios, A-44, T-53, Q-38), 206 x 162. New pencil foliation in each book. Original numbering of pieces in red ink, 1-22 + modern pencil numbering of pieces, 23-30. TQ books have original parchment covers cut from chant manuscript, inscribed with voice designations; covers torn away from DA books. No index. Copied by several scribes, including Johannes Schrei and Jacob Morgenstern, named in manuscript. Some red or black inked initials, mostly in plain block style. Original piece numbers, some text incipits, number of voices, etc. in red ink. Watermark generally resembles Briquet #2247.
Second half of 16th century (date 1564 in manuscript). Of central German origin; perhaps copied in Zwickau.
Second half of 16th century
Boetticher, Wolfgang: Orlando di Lasso und seine Zeit (Kassel and Basel, 1958), 837 [CCM descriptor(s): Dp]
Böker-Heil, Norbert: Die Motetten von Philippe Verdelot (Frankfurt am Main, 1967), 312-6 [CCM descriptor(s): LpCpIp]
Hollhardt, Reinhard: 'Bibliographie der Musik-Werke in der Ratsschulbibliothek zu Zwickau' Monatshefte für Musikgeschichte XXVI (Leipzig: Breitkopf and Härtel, 1893-6) [Supplement], 51 [CCM descriptor(s): DpLp]
Lewis, Mary Stuart: Antonio Gardane and His Publications of Sacred Music, 1538-55, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Brandeis University (1979), 350-1,816 [CCM descriptor(s): LpCp]
Youens, Laura: Music for the Lutheran Mass in Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek, MS. Thomaskirche 49/50, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University (1978), 687,692,789 [CCM descriptor(s): LpCpIp]
Bibliographical information displayed has been taken from RISM and/or the Census Catalogue and may therefore be out of date, though any more recent items notified to us have been included. We would be very grateful to be notified by e-mail of new items for inclusion in the bibliography lists and general information for any manuscript. All contributions to information about manuscripts are acknowledged.
Page Measurement
206 x 162
black void mensural
Catalogue Image
26 motets, 3 German sacred pieces, 1 German secular piece = 30 (Bacchius)-1, Clemens non Papa-7, (Clemens non Papa/Maessens)-1, Cobrise-1, (Crecquillon)-1, (Feys)-1, Gombert-1, Lassus [Orlan-dus]-3, (Le Maistre)-2, (Maillard)-1, Manchicourt/(Clemens non Papa)-1, Meiland-1, Phinot-1, (Reusch)-1, Scandello-2 (Schröter) -1, (Senfl)-1, (Sermisy)-1, Verdelot/(Richafort)-1, anon-1 4 paper partbooks of an original 5 (D-i + 41 + i folios, A-44, T-53, Q-38), 206 x 162. New pencil foliation in each book. Original numbering of pieces in red ink, 1-22 + modern pencil numbering of pieces, 23-30. TQ books have original parchment covers cut from chant manuscript, inscribed with voice designations; covers torn away from DA books. No index. Copied by several scribes, including Johannes Schrei and Jacob Morgenstern, named in manuscript. Some red or black inked initials, mostly in plain block style. Original piece numbers, some text incipits, number of voices, etc. in red ink. Watermark generally resembles Briquet #2247. Second half of 16th century (date 1564 in manuscript). Of central German origin; perhaps copied in Zwickau.
Kirkman, Andrew. “The Seeds of Medieval Music: Choirboys and Musical Training in a Late-Medieval Maîtrise.” In Young choristers 650-1700, ed. Susan Boynton and Eric Rice (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2008), p. 104-122.
The name Cobrice is attested in the eighteenth century in the village of Renescure, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, not far from Saint-Omer.
• Œuvre : Susato 1553, SCM n° 15
1 Cobrise Ana floreat sicut lilium Liber sextus ecclesiasticarum cantionum 1553/13 Susato Antwerp Belgium 4 PT
2 Cobrise O radix Liber sextus ecclesiasticarum cantionum 1553/13 Susato Antwerp Belgium 4 PT
3 Cobrise Annoa floret sicut lilium ZwiR 79/2 1564 in MS Schrei, Johannes; Jacob Morgenstern Zwickau? Germany, E. 1 MS
4 Cobrise Oradit viva mirae pietatis ZwiR 79/2 1564 in MS Schrei, Johannes; Jacob Morgenstern Zwickau? Germany, E. 1 MS
Itinénaires [sic] musicaux en Lorraine: sources, événements, compositeurs ... - Page 245 Yves Ferraton - 2002 : Texte intégré par Cobrise (1553/13) dans la « secunda pars » de son motet Anna floret. Antienne majeure du 22 décembre ...
Monatshefte für Musik-Geschichte, Volumes 10-11 Gesellschaft für Musikforschung (1868-1906) - 1878
Page 32
Časopis Moravského musea v Brně: Vědy společanské. Acta Musei ..., Volumes 68-69 - Page 176
Moravské muzeum v Brně - 1983
... Salomon Clemens non Papa, Jacobus Cleve, Johann Cobrise Colin, Pierre Comes, B. Conseil, ...
Bibliographie der Musik-Werke in der Ratsschulbibliothek zu Zwickau Ratsschulbibliothek Zwickau, Reinhard Vollhardt - 1896 - 299 pages
Page 51
Zwickau, Ratsschulbibliothek
VollBM [see bibliography] 43
26 motets, 3 German sacred pieces, 1 German secular piece = 30
(Bacchius)-1, Clemens non Papa-7, (Clemens non Papa/Maessens)-1, Cobrise-1, (Crecquillon)-1, (Feys)-1, Gombert-1, Lassus [Orlan-dus]-3, (Le Maistre)-2, (Maillard)-1, Manchicourt/(Clemens non Papa)-1, Meiland-1, Phinot-1, (Reusch)-1, Scandello-2 (Schröter) -1, (Senfl)-1, (Sermisy)-1, Verdelot/(Richafort)-1, anon-1
4 paper partbooks of an original 5 (D-i + 41 + i folios, A-44, T-53, Q-38), 206 x 162. New pencil foliation in each book. Original numbering of pieces in red ink, 1-22 + modern pencil numbering of pieces, 23-30. TQ books have original parchment covers cut from chant manuscript, inscribed with voice designations; covers torn away from DA books. No index. Copied by several scribes, including Johannes Schrei and Jacob Morgenstern, named in manuscript. Some red or black inked initials, mostly in plain block style. Original piece numbers, some text incipits, number of voices, etc. in red ink. Watermark generally resembles Briquet #2247.
Second half of 16th century (date 1564 in manuscript). Of central German origin; perhaps copied in Zwickau.
Second half of 16th century
Boetticher, Wolfgang: Orlando di Lasso und seine Zeit (Kassel and Basel, 1958), 837 [CCM descriptor(s): Dp]
Böker-Heil, Norbert: Die Motetten von Philippe Verdelot (Frankfurt am Main, 1967), 312-6 [CCM descriptor(s): LpCpIp]
Hollhardt, Reinhard: 'Bibliographie der Musik-Werke in der Ratsschulbibliothek zu Zwickau' Monatshefte für Musikgeschichte XXVI (Leipzig: Breitkopf and Härtel, 1893-6) [Supplement], 51 [CCM descriptor(s): DpLp]
Lewis, Mary Stuart: Antonio Gardane and His Publications of Sacred Music, 1538-55, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Brandeis University (1979), 350-1,816 [CCM descriptor(s): LpCp]
Youens, Laura: Music for the Lutheran Mass in Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek, MS. Thomaskirche 49/50, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University (1978), 687,692,789 [CCM descriptor(s): LpCpIp]
Bibliographical information displayed has been taken from RISM and/or the Census Catalogue and may therefore be out of date, though any more recent items notified to us have been included. We would be very grateful to be notified by e-mail of new items for inclusion in the bibliography lists and general information for any manuscript. All contributions to information about manuscripts are acknowledged.
Page Measurement
206 x 162
black void mensural
Catalogue Image
26 motets, 3 German sacred pieces, 1 German secular piece = 30 (Bacchius)-1, Clemens non Papa-7, (Clemens non Papa/Maessens)-1, Cobrise-1, (Crecquillon)-1, (Feys)-1, Gombert-1, Lassus [Orlan-dus]-3, (Le Maistre)-2, (Maillard)-1, Manchicourt/(Clemens non Papa)-1, Meiland-1, Phinot-1, (Reusch)-1, Scandello-2 (Schröter) -1, (Senfl)-1, (Sermisy)-1, Verdelot/(Richafort)-1, anon-1 4 paper partbooks of an original 5 (D-i + 41 + i folios, A-44, T-53, Q-38), 206 x 162. New pencil foliation in each book. Original numbering of pieces in red ink, 1-22 + modern pencil numbering of pieces, 23-30. TQ books have original parchment covers cut from chant manuscript, inscribed with voice designations; covers torn away from DA books. No index. Copied by several scribes, including Johannes Schrei and Jacob Morgenstern, named in manuscript. Some red or black inked initials, mostly in plain block style. Original piece numbers, some text incipits, number of voices, etc. in red ink. Watermark generally resembles Briquet #2247. Second half of 16th century (date 1564 in manuscript). Of central German origin; perhaps copied in Zwickau.