Given Name
Variant Name
Basse contre
Employee of a court chapel (musician)
Known voice range
Active period
1512 - 1520
Capella imperialis (Imperium Romanum Sacrum)
Priest. Probably the “Nicodemus, bas.” listed in the chapel of Maximilian at the Diet of Trier in 1512: “Des selben tages [Montag nach Letare 1512] vnd die zit hat die Trierische Cantzlie zu gast gehabt des Keisers Senger. Irer Namen: D. Thomas [Krieger?], tenor. D. Wilhelmus [Waldner?], bas. D. Gregorius [Valentianian?], tenor. [Johannes] Rotensteyner, bas. Georius [sic] Fogel, alt. Nicodemus [Kulwagner?], bas. Georius [sic] [Bassitz?], alt. Gregor, tenor. Michael [Täschinger?], tenor. Cum 10 iuuenibus. Die inen vorgestallt gerichte: Mandelsoppe. Heiß Carpen. Kappesmueß und Backfisch. Hecht mitt eyner saels. Salmen im peffer. Gebacken bieren. Galentin. Fladen.” Stramburg 1853, vol. 2 (Coblentz), part 1, p. 346.
Listed as one of the six Bassisten of the Imperial chapel at Innsbruck in the household inventory made in January 1519, soon after the death of Maximilian I (19 January 1519), and in the list made in January 1520, soon before the dissolution of the chapel. As a consequence of the dissolution of the chapel he received a sum of 10 Gulden on 20 June 1520 to cover his expenses for moving back to Vienna.
Fellner and Kretschmayer 1907, p. 145; Hirzel 1908, p. 153; Koczirz 1931, p. 532, 535 (from Registratur de anno 1519 bis 1520, Vienna, Hofkammerarchiv Sign. 46 [olim D 131]).
Listed as one of the six Bassisten of the Imperial chapel at Innsbruck in the household inventory made in January 1519, soon after the death of Maximilian I (19 January 1519), and in the list made in January 1520, soon before the dissolution of the chapel. As a consequence of the dissolution of the chapel he received a sum of 10 Gulden on 20 June 1520 to cover his expenses for moving back to Vienna.
Fellner and Kretschmayer 1907, p. 145; Hirzel 1908, p. 153; Koczirz 1931, p. 532, 535 (from Registratur de anno 1519 bis 1520, Vienna, Hofkammerarchiv Sign. 46 [olim D 131]).