Given Name
Variant Name
Employee of a court chapel (musician)
Active period
1449 - 1472
Chapelle ducale d'Anjou
Allinson 1993
Oudot [Oudet, Oudo] Garin [Guerin] 10-17,19-21,2?-4,28-31,33-40,45-6,49-50,61,119-20,122,126,129,133,139, 142,146,153,159,172 A singer in the chapel, Garin was paid wages of 6 escus a month from May 1449 to January 1451 (10-17, 19-21, 23~4, 28, 30-1, 33, 35-7, 39). From November 1450 he is referred to as priest (35-6). From November 1451 to October 1454 his wages were 7 escus a month (43-5,49,119-20,122, 126,129,133,139,142). In addition Garin was paid 8 escus for a robe for May 1449 (10) and 3 escus for vestemens in August 1449 (14). He received 10 escus for robes for May 1450 (29), October 1450 (34), May 1451 (38), October 1451 (40), May 1452 (46), October 1452 (50), winter 1453 (153) and May 1454 (159), and for a mourning robe in April 1453 on the death of Isabelle (146). He was also paid 16 escus for a robe de migraine in November 1451 (61) and 10 escus in May 1453 for a horse to travel from Anjou to Provence with Ren? (172).
Esquieu 1981, p. 300, d’après F-AD 13, 306 E 329, f. 94 et 306 E 65, f. 336.
Odet Garin, qui semble être passé par la chapelle du cardinal de Foix, légat pontifical en Avignon, à celle de René, est du diocèse de Troyes.
Légat pontifical Avignon 1433-1464: Pierre de Foix, cardinal (1409), archevêque d'Arles de 1450 à 1463. Célèbre le mariage de René en 1455.
Id. p. 302: il est recteur d’une chapellenie de la cathédrale d’Aix.
Oudot [Oudet, Oudo] Garin [Guerin] 10-17,19-21,2?-4,28-31,33-40,45-6,49-50,61,119-20,122,126,129,133,139, 142,146,153,159,172 A singer in the chapel, Garin was paid wages of 6 escus a month from May 1449 to January 1451 (10-17, 19-21, 23~4, 28, 30-1, 33, 35-7, 39). From November 1450 he is referred to as priest (35-6). From November 1451 to October 1454 his wages were 7 escus a month (43-5,49,119-20,122, 126,129,133,139,142). In addition Garin was paid 8 escus for a robe for May 1449 (10) and 3 escus for vestemens in August 1449 (14). He received 10 escus for robes for May 1450 (29), October 1450 (34), May 1451 (38), October 1451 (40), May 1452 (46), October 1452 (50), winter 1453 (153) and May 1454 (159), and for a mourning robe in April 1453 on the death of Isabelle (146). He was also paid 16 escus for a robe de migraine in November 1451 (61) and 10 escus in May 1453 for a horse to travel from Anjou to Provence with Ren? (172).
Esquieu 1981, p. 300, d’après F-AD 13, 306 E 329, f. 94 et 306 E 65, f. 336.
Odet Garin, qui semble être passé par la chapelle du cardinal de Foix, légat pontifical en Avignon, à celle de René, est du diocèse de Troyes.
Légat pontifical Avignon 1433-1464: Pierre de Foix, cardinal (1409), archevêque d'Arles de 1450 à 1463. Célèbre le mariage de René en 1455.
Id. p. 302: il est recteur d’une chapellenie de la cathédrale d’Aix.
Allinson 1993
Maxe-Werly 1897