Given Name
Employee of a court chapel (musician)
Active period
1453 - 1454
Chapelle ducale d'Anjou
Allinson 1993, p. 88
Mathurin Terrien 126,129,133,139,142,153,159,180 A singer in the chapel, Terrien was cited as a new singer in August 1453 (126). He was paid wages of 6 escus a month from then until October 1454 (126,129,133,139,142). He received 10 escus for a winter robe for 1453 (153) and for a robe for May 1454 (159). On 16 August 1453 Terrien was paid 4 escus for a journey from Anjou to Provence in the service of the chapel (180). The purpose of the journey is not specified.
Mathurin Terrien 126,129,133,139,142,153,159,180 A singer in the chapel, Terrien was cited as a new singer in August 1453 (126). He was paid wages of 6 escus a month from then until October 1454 (126,129,133,139,142). He received 10 escus for a winter robe for 1453 (153) and for a robe for May 1454 (159). On 16 August 1453 Terrien was paid 4 escus for a journey from Anjou to Provence in the service of the chapel (180). The purpose of the journey is not specified.
Allinson 1993