Given Name
Variant Name
Date of death
Active period
1470 - 1501
Comptes des petits vicaire (Wright1976, p.212): 1474: Hochart (6/13); 1486 (2/15); 1495 (2/13); 1506-n.n. Pirro1926, p.197: tirant à l’arc, il blesse un clerc en janvier 1477. Il est accusé de discours arrogants envers le chapitre en 1498.
Non nommé dans les Noces de Magdaleine de Laidin.
PirroBN, Acta1062, 45, 28.1.1493: Fiant littere super amphitheosi domus quam inhabitat Gaillifere tenorista… Acta1064, 128, 5.11.1498: Supplication Petri Hochart alias Gaillifere, tenoriste pv, attentis cuiusgrandeu aetata, longo serv. quia (ut dicit) 30 annis ecclie servivit et infirmitate qua detentur est… demande de dispence de certains offices…
Non nommé dans les Noces de Magdaleine de Laidin.
PirroBN, Acta1062, 45, 28.1.1493: Fiant littere super amphitheosi domus quam inhabitat Gaillifere tenorista… Acta1064, 128, 5.11.1498: Supplication Petri Hochart alias Gaillifere, tenoriste pv, attentis cuiusgrandeu aetata, longo serv. quia (ut dicit) 30 annis ecclie servivit et infirmitate qua detentur est… demande de dispence de certains offices…
Planchart : Pierre Hochart 1, alias Gallifre or Gailliefere, tenorist: was a small vicar from 06 April 1470 to 11 May 1499 and from 21 May 1499 to at least 23 June 1500 and possibly beyond [LAN, 4G 7468, 5v; 4G 7472 (1498-99), 8r; (1499-00), 8r-8v. The wine accounts are missing from 1500 to 1512]. On 17 July 1476 he was made a grand vicar on the death of Gilles Dippre, but resigned the vicariate the same day in exchange for a chaplaincy at the altar of All Saints resigned by Pierre Meungot [CBM 1061, 4r]. At this point an extraordinary complication arises: there were two men with exactly the same name at Cambrai at this point, and on 11 January 1477 Pierre Hochart 1, a priest, resigned the chaplaincy at the altar of All Saints in a permutation with Pierre Hochart 2, a clerk, for the chaplaincy of St. Blaise in the parish church of St. Hilaire [CBM 1061, 13r]. There is no evidence whatsoever that Pierre Hochart 2 was a musician, but he might be the Hochart who became a member of the grand community of chaplains in 1478-79 [LAN, 4G 6955, 12v] and appears in the lists to 1500-01 [LAN, 4G 6985, 34v], although Pierre Hochart 1 at the time of his death held another chaplaincy, at the altar of Notre-Dame de la Poudre, which would also allow him to be a member of the community. The subsequent career of Pierre Hochart 1 can be traced thanks to the mentions of the sobriquet and his designation as a small vicar. He had a number of troubles with the cathedral authorities including severely wounding a young clerk while practicing archery [CBM, 1061, 13v]. On 05 November 1498, on account of his old age and his long service to the cathedral, he was allowed to come to only some of the services, but on 10 May 1499 the canons decided to remove him as a small vicar [CBM 1064, 116v]. He remonstrated and was essentially reinstated starting on 21 May 1499. The acts record his death sometime before 15 October 1501 when the vicarial chapel he held at the altar of Notre-Dame de la Poudre went to Gilles Boulengier [CBM 1064, 340r]. He must be a relative of Constantius Hochart, called Gailliefere, received as a small vicar in June 1502 [CBM 1064, 380v].