Given Name
Active period
1479 - 1501
Cathédrale de Cambrai
Mentionné dans éxéc. 4G1384: Jehan de le Capelle, pbre chanonne de ND de C. † 2.9.1494. PirroBN, acta1061, 122v: absent le 21.2.1481.
Planchart : Jehan Baulde (Baude, Baule, Balduinus), tenorist: was a small vicar from 15 January 1479 to 02 Jul1492 [LAN, 7472 (1478-79), 5v; (1491-92), 8r]. On 21 February 1480 the parish church of Ruacourt, which was at the collation of the chapter, was granted to him on the death Jehan [blank] [CBM 1061, 122v]. At some point he had collated the parish church of Ohain, which he extanched for that Planchenort with Jehan le Verdure on 22 June 1490 [CBM 1061, 367r]. On 12 October 1490 the chapter granted him an unnamed chaplaincy in the cathedral vacant on the death of Antoine Boubers [CBM 1061, 379v]. He probably joined the grand community of chaplain in 1491-92 (account lost), for he appears in the lists from 1492-93 on [LAN, 4G 6974, 31v] and is still in the lists for 1500-01 [LAN, 4G 6985, 23v]. check
Wegman BSCE
Baude, Johannes
± Jean Baudouin?
fl. 1474-86. Pet.vic. CambraiC
WrightC 212.
Wegman BSCE
Baudouin, Jean [Baudewyn; Bauwens, Bauwin]
± Johannes Baude?
Wegman BSCE
Baude, Johannes
± Jean Baudouin?
fl. 1474-86. Pet.vic. CambraiC
WrightC 212.
Wegman BSCE
Baudouin, Jean [Baudewyn; Bauwens, Bauwin]
± Johannes Baude?
Planchart PCR