Given Name
Date of death
Active period
1456 - 1497
Comptes des petits vicaire (Wright1976, p.212): 1486 (Berquier, 5/13), 1495-n.n.
Pirro1926, p.195-96: accusé de tenir tripot dans sa maison en 1481, de concubinage, de violences et d’achats de vin immodérés en 1497.
PirroBN, acta1059, 28.6.1456: “Colino Berquier alias puero altaris…” Cpte d’éxéc. comme gd vicaire (qualifié de Me) en 1503-1507, ADN, 4G1608.
Pirro1926, p.195-96: accusé de tenir tripot dans sa maison en 1481, de concubinage, de violences et d’achats de vin immodérés en 1497.
PirroBN, acta1059, 28.6.1456: “Colino Berquier alias puero altaris…” Cpte d’éxéc. comme gd vicaire (qualifié de Me) en 1503-1507, ADN, 4G1608.
Planchart : Nicolas le Berquier (le Berquier): documented as a former chorister on 28 June 1456 when he was given 6 lb by the aumosne in order to go to school [LAN, 4G 7763, fascicle of 1456-57, 12r]. He was a small vicar from 04 July 1479 to 21 February 1481, from 24 June to 30 October 1481, and from 07 November 1481 to 21 June 1490 [LAN, 4G 7472 (1479-80), 6v; (1480-81), 6r; (1481-82), 5v; (1489-90), 6r]. The gaps in his service were caused by his removal by the canons on account of a violent and dissolute life [CBM 1061, 122r, 125r, 132r, 135v, 136r]. On 19 February 1481 he collated a chaplaincy in the parish church of Bermeries on the death of Henri Macheclier [CBM 1061, 122r], on 21 June 1490 he was made a grand vicar on the death of Pasquier Coutel [CBM 1061, 366v] and was the receiver of the small vicars from 1494 to 1500 but was frequently censured for sloppiness [CBM 1062, 198r]. On 17 September 1493 he resigned a chaplaincy in the hospital of St. Philippe in Braine l’Alleud to Jehan Dasse [CBM 1062, 98r]. He was repeatedly cited for concubinage and resisted orders to send his concubine away [CBM 1062, 55r, 82v, 84v, 108r, 109v, CBM 1063, 56v]. He died on 30 October 1503 and his will survives [LAN, 4G 1608], but the chapter felt compelled to invalidate legacies to his concubine [CBM 1064, 480r].