Meys (du)
Given Name
Variant Name
Druet ?
Active period
1457 - 1500
Cathédrale de Cambrai
PirroBN le relève comme petit vicaire dès octobre 1457 ds acta 1059, f.272v. Acta1064, 65, 18.5.1498: André du Mez, pbre, cap. et pv demande dispence du service nocturne en vertu de 40 années de service.
Pirro1926, p.192 signale qu’en septembre 1480, lui, Cornuel, Robert Lamour et Louis Courtin, chapelains sont astreints à duas vigilias, gallice. p.195: accusé de concubinage en 1488. Comptes des petits vicaire (Wright1976, p.212): 1474: Andruet (3/13); 1486 (Druet, 3/15), 1495 (Druet, 3/13).
Planchart : Andrieu du Mez (Mes, Metz, Mays): was a small vicar from 10 February 1460 to 23 June 1500 [LAN, 7458, 5v; 4G 7472, 8r-8v]. The canons decided to remove him as small vicar on 13 May 1500 [CBM 1064, 251v], but apparently he was allowed to finish the fiscal year since the wine account does not record his departure. Ove the years his name in the wine accounts changes back an forth from Andreas to Druet and Du Mez. On 10 February 1462, together with Nicaise Bourdin, he was charged assaulting Adam Nicolai and shedding blood [CBM 1060, 130r]; he was briefly suspended from his vicariate around 26 August 1463 [CBM 1060, 176v], on 15 August 1480 he collated the chaplaincy of Notre-Dame la Flammenghe on the death of Jacques Haurotte, and that same day he resigned the chaplaincy at the altar of St. Nicaise, which went to Robert Lamour [CBM 1061, 114r]; on 16 August 1488 he was cited for concubinage and fined 7 lb. [CBM 1061, 317r]; on 29 March 1490 he exchanged the parish church of Escaudain [Escohain MS] for that Raillencourt with Pierre Denglos [CBM 1061, 360r]. He became a chaplain in 1470-71 [LAN, 4G 6943, 11v] and was still a chaplain in 1500-01 [LAN, 4G 6985, 34v]. His chaplaincy in 1470 was probably that of St. Nicaise, and his collation would have been noted in the lost register N of the acts.
Pirro1926, p.192 signale qu’en septembre 1480, lui, Cornuel, Robert Lamour et Louis Courtin, chapelains sont astreints à duas vigilias, gallice. p.195: accusé de concubinage en 1488. Comptes des petits vicaire (Wright1976, p.212): 1474: Andruet (3/13); 1486 (Druet, 3/15), 1495 (Druet, 3/13).
Planchart : Andrieu du Mez (Mes, Metz, Mays): was a small vicar from 10 February 1460 to 23 June 1500 [LAN, 7458, 5v; 4G 7472, 8r-8v]. The canons decided to remove him as small vicar on 13 May 1500 [CBM 1064, 251v], but apparently he was allowed to finish the fiscal year since the wine account does not record his departure. Ove the years his name in the wine accounts changes back an forth from Andreas to Druet and Du Mez. On 10 February 1462, together with Nicaise Bourdin, he was charged assaulting Adam Nicolai and shedding blood [CBM 1060, 130r]; he was briefly suspended from his vicariate around 26 August 1463 [CBM 1060, 176v], on 15 August 1480 he collated the chaplaincy of Notre-Dame la Flammenghe on the death of Jacques Haurotte, and that same day he resigned the chaplaincy at the altar of St. Nicaise, which went to Robert Lamour [CBM 1061, 114r]; on 16 August 1488 he was cited for concubinage and fined 7 lb. [CBM 1061, 317r]; on 29 March 1490 he exchanged the parish church of Escaudain [Escohain MS] for that Raillencourt with Pierre Denglos [CBM 1061, 360r]. He became a chaplain in 1470-71 [LAN, 4G 6943, 11v] and was still a chaplain in 1500-01 [LAN, 4G 6985, 34v]. His chaplaincy in 1470 was probably that of St. Nicaise, and his collation would have been noted in the lost register N of the acts.
Planchart PCR