Fontenay (de)
Given Name
Active period
1447 - 1486
Cathédrale de Cambrai
Chapelle ducale d'Anjou
Chapelle ducale de Savoie
Chapelle royale de France
Fallows1982, notice p.247: A Cambrai en 1447-48, il est chanteur de la chapelle de Savoie du 1.5.1449 au 1.5.1457, et de la chapelle royale de 1458 à 1486. Le testament de Du Fay signale qu’il avait envoyé une “figura” de Louis XI au défunt.
Un Jean de Fontenay est au service de Ferry de Clugny à Rome en 1482, en compagnie de Mabrianus de Orto et Simon Attaingnant (Roth1991, p. 554).
Un Jean de Fontenay est au service de Ferry de Clugny à Rome en 1482, en compagnie de Mabrianus de Orto et Simon Attaingnant (Roth1991, p. 554).
Planchart : Jehan de Fontenay: the aumosne for 1447-48 has an undated entry granting Jehan de Fontenay, small vicar, 25 s for a robe at Du Fay’s instance [LAN, 4G 7762, 12r]. But no mention of Fontenay appears in the wine accounts and there is no other mention of him in other documents for this year. Apparently the fact that the request came from Du Fay, who was then master of the small vicars [CBM 1058, 118v], misled the scribe of the accounts into thinking Jehan was a small vicar, and this misapprehension has been reported in Wright, “Dufay,” 207. Fontenay was indeed a musician, who served in the French royal chapel from 1459 to 1486 [Perkins, “Musical Patronage,” 554] and a friend of Du Fay who sent the composer a portrait of Louis XI [LAN, 4G 1313, 71], but he was never a small vicar.
Allinson 1993, p. 85
Jehan de Fontenoy 34 A singer, Jehan de Fontenoy was paid 10 escus for a robe for November 1450 (34). No other mention is made of him in these accounts, but he is known from elsewhere. From 1458 to 1486 he was prestre and cantor at the chapel of Charles VII (1456-75),184 and he was a canon of St Martin of Tours by 1486 when a benefice at Lisieux cathedral was requested for him.
Allinson 1993, p. 85
Jehan de Fontenoy 34 A singer, Jehan de Fontenoy was paid 10 escus for a robe for November 1450 (34). No other mention is made of him in these accounts, but he is known from elsewhere. From 1458 to 1486 he was prestre and cantor at the chapel of Charles VII (1456-75),184 and he was a canon of St Martin of Tours by 1486 when a benefice at Lisieux cathedral was requested for him.