Given Name
Date of death
Active period
1469 - 1494
PirroBN, acta1061, 13: 8.1.1478: abbé des fous. Acta1062, 159, 28.2.1494: Mention des éxéc. de Robert Lamour, lépreux.
Pirro1926, p.192 signale qu’en septembre 1480, lui, Cornuel, André du Meys et Louis Courtin, chapelains sont astreints à duas vigilias, gallice.
Pirro1926, p.192 signale qu’en septembre 1480, lui, Cornuel, André du Meys et Louis Courtin, chapelains sont astreints à duas vigilias, gallice.
Planchart : Robert de Lamour, Robert de Lannoy, tenorist: was a small vicar from 13 October 1469 to 20 September 1482 LAN, 4G 7468, 5v; 4G 7472 (1481-82), 5v]. The beginning of his beneficial career at Cambrai would have been recorded in the lost register N of the acts. He joined the grand community of chaplains in 1476-77 [LAN, 4G 6949, 12r], having collated the chaplaincy at the altar of St. Elizabeth (see below), and appears in the lists until 1480-81, but in retrospective accounts for 1479-80 [LAN, 4G 6961, 31v]. On 15 August 1480 he resigned the chaplaincy at the altar of St. Elizabeth, which went to Jehan Cornuel, and collated the chaplaincy at the altar of St. Nicaise, resigned by Andrieu du Mez [CBM 1061, 114r]. An entry of 30 August 1481 in the aumosne notes he had been diagnosed with leprosy, and a small gift to him in 1482-83 is the last notice we have of him [LAN, 4G 7767 (1481-82), 12r; (1482-83), 23v].