Given Name
Date of death
Active period
1486 - 1503
Pirro1926, p.194: accusé d’irrévérence envers les chanoines en 1486, et à nouveau en 1498. Il amène son chien à l’église en août 1497 et une dispute s’ensuit avec le chanoine Godemare.
ADN: éxéc. du décès de Denis de Hollain en 1503 par Jean Leporis, Jean de Le Quellerie, chanoines (?) et Nicaise Bourdin, grand vicaire.
ADN: éxéc. du décès de Denis de Hollain en 1503 par Jean Leporis, Jean de Le Quellerie, chanoines (?) et Nicaise Bourdin, grand vicaire.
Planchart : Nicaise Bourdin: was a small vicar from 06 June 1459 to 09 October 1464 [LAN, 4G 7458, 8v; 4G 7463, 5v]. Curiously an entry in the account of the small vicars for 1458-59 indicates that Bourdin was not admitted [LAN, 4G 6789 (1458-59), 5v], apparently he appealed the decision and was received for e appears no only in the wine lists but on those of the small vicars which survive for the years of his tenure. He is also mentioned as a small vicar in the acts when on 10 February 1462 he and Andrieu du Metz had to be absolved from assaulting Adam Nicolai and shedding blood [CBM 1060, 130r]. On 10 October 1464 he was given a gift of 10 lb as he was leaving for Rome [CBM 1060, 201r]. Nothing is known of his Roman sojourn, but by December 1469 he was back at Cambrai [LAN, 4G 5102, 12v]. His return and his promotion to grand vicar were probably recorded in the now lost Register N of the acts, but he is referred to as a grand vicar and a chaplain in the fabric accounts of 1471-72, at which time he had become one of the music scribes for the cathedral [LAN, 4G 4679, 30r]. His name is not in the accounts of the grand community of chaplains, so he must have belonged to the small community. He died in 1504 and his will and the execution survive [LAN, 4G 1625]. (check will)