Given Name
Date of death
Active period
1460 - 1505
PirroBN, Acta1060, 81, 30.5.1460: recipitur in tenoristam Martinus Michiel [recte Trachet] de Duaco. 81v, 2.6: reçu p.v. 204v, 7.1.1465, abbé des fous. Acta1061, 207, 1.2.1485: récompensé pour ses bons services. Tjrs présent f. 360 (mars 1489). Acta1064, 282, 21.9.1500: gages journaliers à 3s: Martin trachet [283] [Charles] de Neures, Rad. de Molinbel, Hottinum du Boeuf, Binetum tenoristam, Henricum Zantman, Petrum Creda, Jac. Castellain, Jo. Tourment, et Leonem de Frisa. Acta 1065, 105, 28.7. 1505: Canonicat de Martin Trachet vac. par † passe à Jo. Craspournient. (Trachet décède si pauvre que les chan. ne reçoivent rien pour le service funèbre, et les chap. et vic. chacun 1 pat.).
Planchart : Martin Tranchet, tenorist: was a small vicar from 31 May 1460 to 10 February 1504 when he became a canon [LAN, 4G 7558, 6r; CBM 1046, 114v]. This unusual promotion is part of what became a tradition with the canonicate given to Tranchet; it went to Denis de Hollain on 15 February 1503, to Jehan de le Quellerie on 11 November 1503, to Tranchet on 10 February 1504, and to Jehan Craspournient on 28 July 1505. Three of the four canons had been small vicars, and by the 18th century the canonicate was reserved pro deservitoribus ecclesiae [CBM 1046, 114r]. The acts, even with the lacuna from 1468 to 1476, document an unusually active beneficial career for Tranchet: 20 April 1463, chaplaincy of St. Gengulphe goes to Tranchet on the death of Pierre Baudouin [CBM 1060, 166r], 06 June 1462, resigns it to Pierre Marechal [CBM 1060, 169r], 04 September 1465, chaplaincy of St. Nicolas in the parish church of Jurbisse, resigned by Jehan Doucement, granted to Tranchet [CBM 1060, 222v], 26 June 1466, parish church of Berchem given to Tranchet [CBM 1060, 244v], 11 August 1466, chaplaincy at the altar of the Trinity, granted to him on the death of Jehan du Pont [CBM 1060, 248r], 19 December 1466, chaplaincy at the altar of SS Christopher and Martial, resigned by Renaud Fabri granted to Tranchet, who resigns the chaplaincy of the Trinity to Rasse de la Verne [CBM 1060, 254r], 08 July 1578, chaplaincy at the altar of the Trinity goes to Tranchet on the death of Jehan le Nain, and Tranchet resigns the chaplaincy at the altar of St. John Baptist to Jehan de Luwere [CBM 1060, 48v-49r], 13 March 1479, chaplaincy at the altar of St. Nicholas in the parish church of Jurbise resigned by Tranchet to Jehan Cornuel [CBM 1061, 70r], 17 September 1481, chaplaincy at the altar of St. Nicaise resigned by Tranchet to Ernoul de la Croix [CBM 1061, 132v], 17 September 1483, parish church of Bos de Lesines goes to Tranchet on the death of Jan van Gent [CBM 1061, 185r], 20 June 1484, parish church of Bos de Lesines, resigned by Tranchet to Jehan Dore [CBM 1061, 182v], 09 June 1486, parish church of Villers, resigned by Pierre Guisart, granted to Tranchet [CBM 1061, 264v], 29 March 1490 exchanges the parish church of Villers Pol for that of Espinay with Guillaume Aufroy [CBM 1061, 359v]. The canons valued him and his work highly [CBM 1062, 76v; 1064, 153v, 438v]. He joined the grand community of chaplains in 1466-67 and appears in the lists until 1499-00 [LAN, 4G 6940, 38v; 4G 6984, 20v]. He died on 26 July 1505. (check)
Planchart : Martin Tranchet, tenorist: was a small vicar from 31 May 1460 to 10 February 1504 when he became a canon [LAN, 4G 7558, 6r; CBM 1046, 114v]. This unusual promotion is part of what became a tradition with the canonicate given to Tranchet; it went to Denis de Hollain on 15 February 1503, to Jehan de le Quellerie on 11 November 1503, to Tranchet on 10 February 1504, and to Jehan Craspournient on 28 July 1505. Three of the four canons had been small vicars, and by the 18th century the canonicate was reserved pro deservitoribus ecclesiae [CBM 1046, 114r]. The acts, even with the lacuna from 1468 to 1476, document an unusually active beneficial career for Tranchet: 20 April 1463, chaplaincy of St. Gengulphe goes to Tranchet on the death of Pierre Baudouin [CBM 1060, 166r], 06 June 1462, resigns it to Pierre Marechal [CBM 1060, 169r], 04 September 1465, chaplaincy of St. Nicolas in the parish church of Jurbisse, resigned by Jehan Doucement, granted to Tranchet [CBM 1060, 222v], 26 June 1466, parish church of Berchem given to Tranchet [CBM 1060, 244v], 11 August 1466, chaplaincy at the altar of the Trinity, granted to him on the death of Jehan du Pont [CBM 1060, 248r], 19 December 1466, chaplaincy at the altar of SS Christopher and Martial, resigned by Renaud Fabri granted to Tranchet, who resigns the chaplaincy of the Trinity to Rasse de la Verne [CBM 1060, 254r], 08 July 1578, chaplaincy at the altar of the Trinity goes to Tranchet on the death of Jehan le Nain, and Tranchet resigns the chaplaincy at the altar of St. John Baptist to Jehan de Luwere [CBM 1060, 48v-49r], 13 March 1479, chaplaincy at the altar of St. Nicholas in the parish church of Jurbise resigned by Tranchet to Jehan Cornuel [CBM 1061, 70r], 17 September 1481, chaplaincy at the altar of St. Nicaise resigned by Tranchet to Ernoul de la Croix [CBM 1061, 132v], 17 September 1483, parish church of Bos de Lesines goes to Tranchet on the death of Jan van Gent [CBM 1061, 185r], 20 June 1484, parish church of Bos de Lesines, resigned by Tranchet to Jehan Dore [CBM 1061, 182v], 09 June 1486, parish church of Villers, resigned by Pierre Guisart, granted to Tranchet [CBM 1061, 264v], 29 March 1490 exchanges the parish church of Villers Pol for that of Espinay with Guillaume Aufroy [CBM 1061, 359v]. The canons valued him and his work highly [CBM 1062, 76v; 1064, 153v, 438v]. He joined the grand community of chaplains in 1466-67 and appears in the lists until 1499-00 [LAN, 4G 6940, 38v; 4G 6984, 20v]. He died on 26 July 1505. (check)