Given Name
Active period
1488 - 1488
PirroBN, Acta1061, 310, 18.4.1488: résign. par Verdure, proc. de Jo. de Weerde, de la chap. S Vast de l’aglise de Marchies, qui passe à Antoine Savary. Licet abs. 313v, 13.6.1488: habitum parvorum vicarium ad finem obtinendi capellaniam vicarialem in hac ecclesia duntaxat conferunt domini mei domino Johanni de Weerde. Le 16 juin, il est mentionné comme proc. du chanoine Ysore.
• Annatarum, n° 26, 22.2.1485 Cameracen.: “pro Johanne de Werde, perpetuo capellano ad altare B. Marie situm in parroch. ecclesia de Reumont, camreracen. dioc.… super fructibus parroch. ecclesie S. Martini de Beaurevort, dicte dioc.”
• NG2: (fl 1451--c1482). South Netherlandish composer, active in Spain. He was born in Bruges, the son of Rolandus de Wreede, who was organist at St Donatian until 1482. In 1451 Johannes was refused a clerkship at St Donatian on the grounds that father and son could not work in the same institution, but in 1457 he secured a similar position at the church of Our Lady. His name disappears from the records in 1460, and it is assumed that he left Bruges for Spain at this time, although he does not reappear until 1476, when he was paid as a member of the household of the first Duke of Alba, Garcia Alvarez de Toledo, cousin to King Ferdinand. Urrede (the Castilian form of his name) may have served the duke for some years previously, but on 17 June 1477 he was appointed singer and maestro de capilla of the Aragonese royal chapel, his salary being backdated to 1 April of that year. The account books of the royal household reveal that he was employed until at least 1482, but in the meantime it would appear that he also applied to the professorship of Salamanca University, a position that, despite his request for changes to the system of electing new professors, he did not secure. After 1482 there is no further record of Urrede, although the royal household registers are missing for the period immediately following this and he may have served a few years longer. Possibly he died in the period between 1482 and 1484, although there is some evidence to suggest he may have lived substantially longer.
• Annatarum, n° 26, 22.2.1485 Cameracen.: “pro Johanne de Werde, perpetuo capellano ad altare B. Marie situm in parroch. ecclesia de Reumont, camreracen. dioc.… super fructibus parroch. ecclesie S. Martini de Beaurevort, dicte dioc.”
• NG2: (fl 1451--c1482). South Netherlandish composer, active in Spain. He was born in Bruges, the son of Rolandus de Wreede, who was organist at St Donatian until 1482. In 1451 Johannes was refused a clerkship at St Donatian on the grounds that father and son could not work in the same institution, but in 1457 he secured a similar position at the church of Our Lady. His name disappears from the records in 1460, and it is assumed that he left Bruges for Spain at this time, although he does not reappear until 1476, when he was paid as a member of the household of the first Duke of Alba, Garcia Alvarez de Toledo, cousin to King Ferdinand. Urrede (the Castilian form of his name) may have served the duke for some years previously, but on 17 June 1477 he was appointed singer and maestro de capilla of the Aragonese royal chapel, his salary being backdated to 1 April of that year. The account books of the royal household reveal that he was employed until at least 1482, but in the meantime it would appear that he also applied to the professorship of Salamanca University, a position that, despite his request for changes to the system of electing new professors, he did not secure. After 1482 there is no further record of Urrede, although the royal household registers are missing for the period immediately following this and he may have served a few years longer. Possibly he died in the period between 1482 and 1484, although there is some evidence to suggest he may have lived substantially longer.