Le Breton
Given Name
Variant Name
le jeune
Active period
1484 - 1485
PirroBN-Acta1061, 197, 6.10.1484: Concedatur nigra cappa de parvo spectans officiis elemosine dno Simoni prvo vicario nepoti quondam dni Symonis Breton…
Cette entrée renvoie à:
• Fallows, NG2
(2) Symon Britonis [Brytonis]
(fl 1482-3). Recorded at 's-Hertogenbosch as " onsen bovensenger" ten years after the death of his namesake at the Burgundian court, he is a possible though unlikely contestant for some of the documents or pieces mentioned under (1) Simon le Breton.
• Planchart : Symon le Breton 3: was a small vicar from 24 June 1484 until 18 June 1485 [LAN, 4G 7472 (1484-85), 7v-8r]. An act of 06 October 1484 giving him a robe describes him as a nephew of the late canon [CBM 1061, 197r]. On 17 June 1485 the chapter ordered him and Gilles Antoine (mentioned only as a vicar from Douai) dismissed on account of an unspecified infraction [CBM 1061, 216v] ; there must have been some remonstrance because on 20 June the canons felt it necessary to reaffirm their decision [CBM 1061, 261v].
Cette entrée renvoie à:
• Fallows, NG2
(2) Symon Britonis [Brytonis]
(fl 1482-3). Recorded at 's-Hertogenbosch as " onsen bovensenger" ten years after the death of his namesake at the Burgundian court, he is a possible though unlikely contestant for some of the documents or pieces mentioned under (1) Simon le Breton.
• Planchart : Symon le Breton 3: was a small vicar from 24 June 1484 until 18 June 1485 [LAN, 4G 7472 (1484-85), 7v-8r]. An act of 06 October 1484 giving him a robe describes him as a nephew of the late canon [CBM 1061, 197r]. On 17 June 1485 the chapter ordered him and Gilles Antoine (mentioned only as a vicar from Douai) dismissed on account of an unspecified infraction [CBM 1061, 216v] ; there must have been some remonstrance because on 20 June the canons felt it necessary to reaffirm their decision [CBM 1061, 261v].