Meurs (de)
Given Name
Variant Name
Rivo (de)
Date of death
Active period
1493 - 1504
Cathédrale de Cambrai
PirroBN, acta1064, 282, 21.9.1500: gages journaliers à 3s: Martin trachet [283] [Charles] de Neures, Rad. de Molinbel, Hottinum du Boeuf, Binetum tenoristam, Henricum Zantman, Petrum Creda, Jac. Castellain, Jo. Tourment, et Leonem de Frisa. 377, 24.5.1502: Présents: Charles de Meures et Ludovicus de Therache, vicaires. 403, 12.9.1502: Charles de Meurs reçoit le vicariat perp. de Jo. de Porta, décédé. Acta1065, 51, 27.11.1504: Lecture test. Charles de Meurs.
• Planchart : Charles de Meurs, alias de Rivo: became a small vicar on 10 March 1493, he is still on the list in the wine account for 1499-00, and there is a lacuna of twelve years in the accounts after that [LAN, 4G 7472 (1492-93), 7v; (1499-00), 8r-8v], the acts indicated that he served until 23 June 1502 [CBM 1064, 403v]. He was a relative of Thomas Bloquel, cantor and grand minister, who on 19 July 1493 complained that Charles was still paid only as a semi vicar, but the canons replied that he was inconsistent and lazy and kept him at half stipend [CBM 1062, 79r]. On 28 August 1499 he collated the chaplaincy of St. Elizabeth on the resignation of Jehan Rogier, canon of Ste. Croix [CBM 1064, 205r], but problems arose and he was not confirmed to it until 25 October [CBM 1064, 217v]. He joined the grand community of chaplains in 1500-01 [LAN, 6985, 15v] (check). On 05 July 1501 he was granted the chaplaincy of St. Christopher, resigned by Jacques Canobes [CBM 1064, 329v] and on 12 September 1502 he was made a grand vicar upon the death of Jehan de la Porte, and that same day he resigned the chaplaincy of St. Christopher, which went to Vincent Tonober [CBM 403r]. check later life
• Planchart : Charles de Meurs, alias de Rivo: became a small vicar on 10 March 1493, he is still on the list in the wine account for 1499-00, and there is a lacuna of twelve years in the accounts after that [LAN, 4G 7472 (1492-93), 7v; (1499-00), 8r-8v], the acts indicated that he served until 23 June 1502 [CBM 1064, 403v]. He was a relative of Thomas Bloquel, cantor and grand minister, who on 19 July 1493 complained that Charles was still paid only as a semi vicar, but the canons replied that he was inconsistent and lazy and kept him at half stipend [CBM 1062, 79r]. On 28 August 1499 he collated the chaplaincy of St. Elizabeth on the resignation of Jehan Rogier, canon of Ste. Croix [CBM 1064, 205r], but problems arose and he was not confirmed to it until 25 October [CBM 1064, 217v]. He joined the grand community of chaplains in 1500-01 [LAN, 6985, 15v] (check). On 05 July 1501 he was granted the chaplaincy of St. Christopher, resigned by Jacques Canobes [CBM 1064, 329v] and on 12 September 1502 he was made a grand vicar upon the death of Jehan de la Porte, and that same day he resigned the chaplaincy of St. Christopher, which went to Vincent Tonober [CBM 403r]. check later life
Planchart PCR