Meys (du)
Given Name
Active period
1465 - 1479
Planchart : Renaud du Mez (Reignauldin): was a small vicar from 11 August 1465 to 01 June 1470 [LAN, 4G 7464, 5v; 4G 7468, 5v]. His full name is given in the account of the small vicars [LAN, 4G 6789 (1465-66), 8r].
• Reynolds 1995, p. 51: During the 1470s these [northern singers of SP] included Guillaume des Mares, … Rainaldus de Meis, Johan… Idem, p.117-118: When Ercole d'Este set about building up his cappella of musicians in the early 1470s, St. Peter's provided several, all of them contras: Jachettus di Marvilla in 1472 / and 1473, and then probably also Johannes Marescalli and Rainaldus de Meis (if he is Rainaldetto Cambrai), who both arrived at St. Peter's in the fall of 1472 and then apparently sang together at Ferrara from 1474 to 1476.[11] Rainaldus may have worked at Rieti Cathedral immediately before appearing at St. Peter's. As Gustave Reese realized, a singer named Rainaldus appeared successively in many Italian cities: Magister Rainaldus in Rieti (April-Aug./1472); R. de Meis at St. Peter's (Oct./1472-73); R. de Cambrai in Ferrara (1474-76); Magister R. Odenoch de Fiandra in Treviso (1477-79); Don R. Francioso in Florence (1482-83); Magister R. Francigena in Padua (1489-91); and R. Odena in Rome in the papal chapel (1491-93). This list revises that in Gustave Reese, Music in the Renaissance , 220, who has an error that has been repeated, i.e., that R. Odenoch taught at Treviso, 1477-88.
• Milan Merkley, 92, 101, 242, 244, 289, 294. Clerc de Limoges, Raynaldino payé 12 ducats ds les listes de 1473 et 1474. Peut-être lié au marquis de Montferrat. Bien qu’il ne figure sur aucune liste de 1476, il nomme Gilles Cosse comme procureur en nov. 1477 et se trouve tjrs ds le duché en nov. 1479, tjrs en train de négocier pour des bénéfices.
• Reynolds 1995, p. 51: During the 1470s these [northern singers of SP] included Guillaume des Mares, … Rainaldus de Meis, Johan… Idem, p.117-118: When Ercole d'Este set about building up his cappella of musicians in the early 1470s, St. Peter's provided several, all of them contras: Jachettus di Marvilla in 1472 / and 1473, and then probably also Johannes Marescalli and Rainaldus de Meis (if he is Rainaldetto Cambrai), who both arrived at St. Peter's in the fall of 1472 and then apparently sang together at Ferrara from 1474 to 1476.[11] Rainaldus may have worked at Rieti Cathedral immediately before appearing at St. Peter's. As Gustave Reese realized, a singer named Rainaldus appeared successively in many Italian cities: Magister Rainaldus in Rieti (April-Aug./1472); R. de Meis at St. Peter's (Oct./1472-73); R. de Cambrai in Ferrara (1474-76); Magister R. Odenoch de Fiandra in Treviso (1477-79); Don R. Francioso in Florence (1482-83); Magister R. Francigena in Padua (1489-91); and R. Odena in Rome in the papal chapel (1491-93). This list revises that in Gustave Reese, Music in the Renaissance , 220, who has an error that has been repeated, i.e., that R. Odenoch taught at Treviso, 1477-88.
• Milan Merkley, 92, 101, 242, 244, 289, 294. Clerc de Limoges, Raynaldino payé 12 ducats ds les listes de 1473 et 1474. Peut-être lié au marquis de Montferrat. Bien qu’il ne figure sur aucune liste de 1476, il nomme Gilles Cosse comme procureur en nov. 1477 et se trouve tjrs ds le duché en nov. 1479, tjrs en train de négocier pour des bénéfices.