Given Name
Variant Name
Date of death
Active period
1386 - 1436
Capella pontificalis
Cathédrale de Cambrai
Cathédrale de Noyon
Mathieu Thorote, called Bruyant: documented as a small vicar for weeks 1-11 of 1399-00 [LAN, 4G 6787 (1399-00), 3v], also documented as a small vicar in All Saints 1386 [LAN, 4G 6787 (1386-87), 4v]. He had chaplaincies in Cambrai and Binche on and off from 1404 to 1420, though he was not a member of the grand community of chaplains [CBM 1055, 95r, and LAN, 4G 4622, 9v]. Sometime during the pontificate of John 23 he became a papal singer [ASV, RS 106, 208v-209r], and was a papal singer on and off under Martin 5 from 1417 to 1426. He was briefly a canon of Cambrai (1424-26) [CBM 1056, 134r and 172r], but was largely non-resident. He obtained a considerable number of benefices, the most permanent of them being a canonicate in Noyon [ASV, RS 106, 208v-209r]. He died late in 1436, probably in Noyon [ASV, RS 332, 34v-35r].
• Sur son activité à Rome, voir DiBaccoNadas1998, p. 91.
• Baix1955, p. 121, 373. rect. ac postea pension. eccl. parr. de Binchio, litig. (cedens) de canonic et preb. BM Antwerpien. necnon SP Insulen., persona de Maison Roland. Recipitur in capell. ac cant. capelle pape et juravit, 23.12.1417. Obligavit se super annat. cantorie eccl. Atrebaten., 17.4.1426, resignaverat, non possessor, 1.6.1430.
La Chambre apostolique et les "Libri annatarum" de Martin V (1417-1431) - Page 128
de François Baix, André Uyttebrouck - 1942 - 967 pages (1) Mathieu Thorote, al. Bruyant, Bruylant, du diocèse de Cambrai, avait été nommé ténor de la chapelle papale, le 23 décembre 1417, vive vocis oraculo de
... même de cette nouvelle collation, 24 novembre 1425, Matheus Thorote alias Bruyant, ...
Inventaire analytique des Diversa cameralia des Archives vaticanes (1389 ...
de Ursmer Berlière, Catholic Church Camera Apostolica, Institut historique belge de Rome, Archivio vaticano, Archivio vaticano, Institut historique belge de Rome - 1906 - 327 pages Page 281 Bruyant, T. Thorote. Bruylant, Josse. abbé de ...
Analectes pour servir à l'histoire ecclésiastique de la Belgique
1903 Page 258 ... Thorote ou Bruyant, et conférés à Rome, S. À.,
Journal of the American Musicological Society - Page 355 de American Musicological Society, JSTOR (Organization) - 1993
'When only the list of 1414 was known, scholars assumed this singer was Matheus Thorote, called Bruyant, who was in the chapel of Martin V from the ...
Collectanea. 2. Studien zur Geschichte der päpstlichen Kapelle - Page 563 Bernhard Janz - 1994 - 893 pages
... and Mathieu Thorote, both of which would soon move up a notch upon the retirement of Jehan de ...
+ Doc 3.9.1427 sur la chantrerie d’Arras. Ds Notre Dame de La Treille ou:
Recueil - Page 75 Société d'études de la province de Cambrai, Lille - 1920
Datum Rome, apud Sanctos Apostolos, kalendas septembris, anno decimo. [ccvm, 23]. 99. 3 septembre 1427. BP Dudum SV devoto viro Matheo Thorote alias ...
Mathieu Thorote, called Bruyant: documented as a small vicar for weeks 1-11 of 1399-00 [LAN, 4G 6787 (1399-00), 3v], also documented as a small vicar in All Saints 1386 [LAN, 4G 6787 (1386-87), 4v]. He had chaplaincies in Cambrai and Binche on and off from 1404 to 1420, though he was not a member of the grand community of chaplains [CBM 1055, 95r, and LAN, 4G 4622, 9v]. Sometime during the pontificate of John 23 he became a papal singer [ASV, RS 106, 208v-209r], and was a papal singer on and off under Martin 5 from 1417 to 1426. He was briefly a canon of Cambrai (1424-26) [CBM 1056, 134r and 172r], but was largely non-resident. He obtained a considerable number of benefices, the most permanent of them being a canonicate in Noyon [ASV, RS 106, 208v-209r]. He died late in 1436, probably in Noyon [ASV, RS 332, 34v-35r].
• Sur son activité à Rome, voir DiBaccoNadas1998, p. 91.
• Baix1955, p. 121, 373. rect. ac postea pension. eccl. parr. de Binchio, litig. (cedens) de canonic et preb. BM Antwerpien. necnon SP Insulen., persona de Maison Roland. Recipitur in capell. ac cant. capelle pape et juravit, 23.12.1417. Obligavit se super annat. cantorie eccl. Atrebaten., 17.4.1426, resignaverat, non possessor, 1.6.1430.
La Chambre apostolique et les "Libri annatarum" de Martin V (1417-1431) - Page 128
de François Baix, André Uyttebrouck - 1942 - 967 pages (1) Mathieu Thorote, al. Bruyant, Bruylant, du diocèse de Cambrai, avait été nommé ténor de la chapelle papale, le 23 décembre 1417, vive vocis oraculo de
... même de cette nouvelle collation, 24 novembre 1425, Matheus Thorote alias Bruyant, ...
Inventaire analytique des Diversa cameralia des Archives vaticanes (1389 ...
de Ursmer Berlière, Catholic Church Camera Apostolica, Institut historique belge de Rome, Archivio vaticano, Archivio vaticano, Institut historique belge de Rome - 1906 - 327 pages Page 281 Bruyant, T. Thorote. Bruylant, Josse. abbé de ...
Analectes pour servir à l'histoire ecclésiastique de la Belgique
1903 Page 258 ... Thorote ou Bruyant, et conférés à Rome, S. À.,
Journal of the American Musicological Society - Page 355 de American Musicological Society, JSTOR (Organization) - 1993
'When only the list of 1414 was known, scholars assumed this singer was Matheus Thorote, called Bruyant, who was in the chapel of Martin V from the ...
Collectanea. 2. Studien zur Geschichte der päpstlichen Kapelle - Page 563 Bernhard Janz - 1994 - 893 pages
... and Mathieu Thorote, both of which would soon move up a notch upon the retirement of Jehan de ...
+ Doc 3.9.1427 sur la chantrerie d’Arras. Ds Notre Dame de La Treille ou:
Recueil - Page 75 Société d'études de la province de Cambrai, Lille - 1920
Datum Rome, apud Sanctos Apostolos, kalendas septembris, anno decimo. [ccvm, 23]. 99. 3 septembre 1427. BP Dudum SV devoto viro Matheo Thorote alias ...