Given Name
Active period
1442 - 1456
Planchart : Thomas Maillet: was a small vicar from 10 January to 18 July 1442 and from 31 October 1444 to 11 May 1445 [LAN 4G 7441, 8v; 4G 7442, 8r; 4G 7444, 5v]. His final recess is not recorded per se, his name is simply left out of the list of vicars active on the day after the procession. He must have joined the grand community of chaplains in 1442-43 (account lost) for he is in the lists for the following two years [LAN, 4G 6910, 19v; 4G 6911, 25r] and then disappears from the accounts. In 1452-53 the chaplaincy of SS Peter and Paul is listed under his name as a foreign chaplaincy [LAN, 4G 6918, 37r], and the acts record that on 22 June 1453 he exchanged it for a chaplaincy in St. Géry held by Adam Heughot [CBM 1059, 63r]. Unfortunately the accounts of the chaplains at St. Géry have a lacuna from 1444 to 1456, but the acts of St. Géry record that on 10 July 1456 he exchanged his chaplaincy at St. Géry for the parish church of Ablencourt, held by Martin Espiart. He did this through procuration, indicating that he was no longer at Cambrai.