Given Name
Active period
1459 - 1460
Cathédrale de Cambrai
PirroBN, Acta1060, 59, 17.10.1459: Jo. Fabri tenoriste infirmo dant domini scutum unum. 82v, 13.6: Jo Fabri tenoriste licenciato dant dni elemosina 40 sc.
Planchart : Jehan Fabri 1, tenorist: was a small vicar from 20 June 1459 to 16 April 1460 [LAN, 4G 7457, 8r; 4G 7458, 5v]. Because of the different dates when the accounts of the wine and the small vicars began Fabri’s advent and recess are reported in the account of the small vicars for 1459-60 instead of over two years [LAN, 4G 6789 (1459-60), 7r, 9r]. That he was a tenorist is repordet when he received a gift on one écu during an illness [CBM 1060, 59r], and on 13 June 1460 he was given a farewell gift of 10 lb [CBM 1060, 82v]. He is probably not the Jehan Fabri who was a small vicar in the 1480s.
Planchart : Jehan Fabri 1, tenorist: was a small vicar from 20 June 1459 to 16 April 1460 [LAN, 4G 7457, 8r; 4G 7458, 5v]. Because of the different dates when the accounts of the wine and the small vicars began Fabri’s advent and recess are reported in the account of the small vicars for 1459-60 instead of over two years [LAN, 4G 6789 (1459-60), 7r, 9r]. That he was a tenorist is repordet when he received a gift on one écu during an illness [CBM 1060, 59r], and on 13 June 1460 he was given a farewell gift of 10 lb [CBM 1060, 82v]. He is probably not the Jehan Fabri who was a small vicar in the 1480s.
Planchart PCR