Given Name
Active period
1447 - 1470
RepGermanicum VI, p.35 /326, 23 avril 1452: cler leod dioc, gr expect en date du 14 juin 1447.
• RepGermanicum VII, p. 21 /186, 22 oct 1455: cler leod dioc, il hérite de la prébende de Brassart à SP de Liège.
• Aucune mention ds RepGermanicum VIII.
• RepGermanicum IX, p.58/347 (15 mai 1470) et liste de la cour de Frédéric III enregistrée à Rome le 6 janvier 1469, parmi la chapelle: Arnoldi Pickart, preb. Leod. dioc., cant. cap. maiestatis imper.
• Regesta Chmel. 1467 Juni 9 Neustadt /5038: Befehl an Jörg Rainer, Vitzthum in Krain, den "Cantoresen" Egid Garin, Hanns Bubay, Mathes Slesier, Hanns Höflinger, Arnold Pikar, Niclas Mayoul, Arnold Flewn und den &513 "Capplen" Caspar Tretzler und Hanns Wuestenstainer 72 Pf. Pfen. für 1 Quartal auszurichten.Geh. H.-Archiv. Cod. N. 38. fol. 40. Il paraît aussi, d’après l’index paru en 1992 dans 4666, 5174 et 5352
• On peut se demander si le 2e de ces doc ne se rapporte pas à lui:
• RepGermanicum VII, p. 21 /186, 22 oct 1455: cler leod dioc, il hérite de la prébende de Brassart à SP de Liège.
• Aucune mention ds RepGermanicum VIII.
• RepGermanicum IX, p.58/347 (15 mai 1470) et liste de la cour de Frédéric III enregistrée à Rome le 6 janvier 1469, parmi la chapelle: Arnoldi Pickart, preb. Leod. dioc., cant. cap. maiestatis imper.
• Regesta Chmel. 1467 Juni 9 Neustadt /5038: Befehl an Jörg Rainer, Vitzthum in Krain, den "Cantoresen" Egid Garin, Hanns Bubay, Mathes Slesier, Hanns Höflinger, Arnold Pikar, Niclas Mayoul, Arnold Flewn und den &513 "Capplen" Caspar Tretzler und Hanns Wuestenstainer 72 Pf. Pfen. für 1 Quartal auszurichten.Geh. H.-Archiv. Cod. N. 38. fol. 40. Il paraît aussi, d’après l’index paru en 1992 dans 4666, 5174 et 5352
• On peut se demander si le 2e de ces doc ne se rapporte pas à lui:
Regesten Kaiser FIII (1440-1493), Sonderband 2 [Taxregister der römischen Kanslei, 1471-1475], Vienne, Bölhau, 2001, p. 83, n° 588, 3/8/1471. Item una declaratio data Arnoldo Duren, quod preces sue primarie ad collationem ep et capit eccl Cameracensis debent etiam extendi ad dignitates; dominus dedit sibi gratis, quia cantor domini imperatoris; dominus Johannes Blidenberg sollicitavit. & p.212, 1456, 31/1/1472: Item una litera promotorialis pro domino Arnoldo, cantore et capellano domini imperatoris, ad abbat monst Sancte Gertrudis Nevelensis, leod dioc, ad respondendum sibi de fructibus procionis imperialis ibidem; demonius dedit gratis, quia antiquus capellanus et cantor domini imperatoris.• (2) Biquardus [Wiquardus]
(fl c1440-50). Composer of the three-voice hymn settings In excelsis te laudant and Ave stella matutina in the St Emmeram Choirbook (D-Mbs Clm.14274). They may be contrafact songs. On another piece in the same manuscript the ascription ‘Biquardus’ is erased but still visible. The work is an arrangement of an English song in which the original text Love woll I is replaced by Resurexit victor mortis. It has no stylistic similarity to the other two pieces. Despite the unison imitation and masterly textural control of these hymns, they can hardly be by the English composer Pycard (1). It is far more likely that Biquardus is Arnold Pickar or Pickhart, a cleric of the diocese of Liège who was in the Kantorei of Emperor Friedrich III from 1444-80, because the pieces appear in the manuscript close to those of another musician working in Vienna, Hermann Edlerawer.
G. Pietzsch: Fürsten und fürstliche Musiker im mittelalterlichen Köln (Cologne, 1966)
I. Rumbold: ‘The Compilation and Ownership of the « St Emmeram » Codex’, EMH, iii (1983), 161-235, esp. 176-7
(fl c1440-50). Composer of the three-voice hymn settings In excelsis te laudant and Ave stella matutina in the St Emmeram Choirbook (D-Mbs Clm.14274). They may be contrafact songs. On another piece in the same manuscript the ascription ‘Biquardus’ is erased but still visible. The work is an arrangement of an English song in which the original text Love woll I is replaced by Resurexit victor mortis. It has no stylistic similarity to the other two pieces. Despite the unison imitation and masterly textural control of these hymns, they can hardly be by the English composer Pycard (1). It is far more likely that Biquardus is Arnold Pickar or Pickhart, a cleric of the diocese of Liège who was in the Kantorei of Emperor Friedrich III from 1444-80, because the pieces appear in the manuscript close to those of another musician working in Vienna, Hermann Edlerawer.
G. Pietzsch: Fürsten und fürstliche Musiker im mittelalterlichen Köln (Cologne, 1966)
I. Rumbold: ‘The Compilation and Ownership of the « St Emmeram » Codex’, EMH, iii (1983), 161-235, esp. 176-7