Given Name
Active period
1475 - 1475
Reynolds 1995, p.97: Au sujet de la main qui a inséré un Magnificat proche du style de Busnoys ds le ms SP80: Aside from Crispini, there were only two other northerners present in the choir until the end of Ausquier's residency: David Fornant and Winochus de Oudenorde. Either may have been hand C. Fornant was paid to notate "some new quinterns in the old book which was destroyed" (doc. 1475b). But in terms of handwriting and heritage, the more likely candidate is Winochus, who from his entry into the choir (by March 1474 at the latest) until his departure at the end of September 1478 was the basilica's only tenor. If he is the Winnocus who sang tenor in Bruges in 1470-71, then he would have been well positioned to acquire the Busnois "twin" in the first place (Strohm 1985, p.161)