Given Name
Variant Name
Active period
1547 - 1553
Cathédrale d'Amiens
NGD: Bonard [Bonnard, Bonart], Laurent (fl 1547–54). French composer. He was a priest and maître des enfants at Amiens Cathedral between 1547 and 1553. Five of his four-voice chansons were published in Paris by Nicolas Du Chemin between 1550 and 1552 and another, arranged for voice and guitar, was printed by Le Roy & Ballard in 1554. Most of the chansons are courtly huitains set in the suave homophonic idiom of Pierre Sandrin and his generation. It is not known whether he was related to the Bonard family of instrumentalists (Roland, his brother Vincent and his sons Nicolas and Pierre), active in Paris in the early 17th century. Alternatively he might be related to Francesco Bonardo Perissone or Iseppo Bonardo.
Amour et mort ont faict une alliance (G. d'Avrigny), 4vv, 155012; Amour voyant le travail, 4vv, 15519; Au jour, au joli point du jour, Sup, gui, 155433; J'ay tant souffert pour ung plaisir avoir, 4vv, 155012; Mort et amour un jour se rencontrent, 4vv, 155012; Resve-je point, Dieu, 4vv, 15524
G. Durand: ‘La musique de la cathédrale d'Amiens avant la Révolution’, Bulletin de la Société des antiquaires de Picardie, xxix (1920–22), 329–457, esp. 362; repr. in La vie musicale dans les provinces françaises, i (Geneva, 1972), 1–131
Bonard 5. Laurent Bonard was priest and maistre des enfants at the Cathedral of Amiens between 1547 and 1553. Five chansons ascribed to “Bonardo” in publication of Du Chemin. Dobbins describes his chansons as courtly huitains similar to the homorhythmic style of Pierre Sandrin and others. Text of “Amour et mort ont faict une alliance” by G. d’Avrigny. Possibly related to Francesco Bonardo (c. 1525 d after 1571, a Flemish composer active at the Cathedral of Padua between 1565 and 1571. Author of a book of madrigals published in Venice
in 1565. Frank Dobbins and Joanna Wieckowski, “Bonard, Laurent,” New Grove 2, III, 848.
Amour et mort ont faict une alliance (G. d'Avrigny), 4vv, 155012; Amour voyant le travail, 4vv, 15519; Au jour, au joli point du jour, Sup, gui, 155433; J'ay tant souffert pour ung plaisir avoir, 4vv, 155012; Mort et amour un jour se rencontrent, 4vv, 155012; Resve-je point, Dieu, 4vv, 15524
G. Durand: ‘La musique de la cathédrale d'Amiens avant la Révolution’, Bulletin de la Société des antiquaires de Picardie, xxix (1920–22), 329–457, esp. 362; repr. in La vie musicale dans les provinces françaises, i (Geneva, 1972), 1–131
Bonard 5. Laurent Bonard was priest and maistre des enfants at the Cathedral of Amiens between 1547 and 1553. Five chansons ascribed to “Bonardo” in publication of Du Chemin. Dobbins describes his chansons as courtly huitains similar to the homorhythmic style of Pierre Sandrin and others. Text of “Amour et mort ont faict une alliance” by G. d’Avrigny. Possibly related to Francesco Bonardo (c. 1525 d after 1571, a Flemish composer active at the Cathedral of Padua between 1565 and 1571. Author of a book of madrigals published in Venice
in 1565. Frank Dobbins and Joanna Wieckowski, “Bonard, Laurent,” New Grove 2, III, 848.