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Prosopographie des chantres de la Renaissance
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Halluin (de), Antoine (de)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Pommereu, Pierre (1527-circa 1532)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Turquant, Pierre (1472?-1526)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Deleau, Jean (1526-circa 1531)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
—, Zacarie (1507-1508)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
Rebours , Marin (…-Jun. 1561)
Basse contre, Bassus, Cantor (ecclesiastical dignitary), Known voice range, Musician, Singer, Tenor, Ténoriste
Sanguin, André (…-15 Apr. 1539)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Vest (de), Jean (de)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Faulcon, François (…-22 Oct. 1565)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Roncherolles (de), Jean (de)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Robertet , Louis (1515-circa 1523)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Tartel , — (1509-1522)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Parent , Jean (1506-circa 1533)
Cantor (ecclesiastical dignitary), Musician
Prieur , Audry (…-1521)
Master of choirboys, Master of Music, Musician, Singer
Vouges (de), — (de)
Musician, Singer
Pontbriand (de), Gilles (de)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Reverdy , Georges (1506-1515)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Vallet , Mahyet (1511-1513)
Composer (no known polyphonic works preserved), Musician, Singer
Nort, Jacques (1513-1513)
Musician, Singer
Nicolaï, Jacques (…-Dec. 1512)
Cantor (ecclesiastical dignitary), Musician
Chappellain, Antoine (1512-1512)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
Vallast (de), Quentin (de)
Composer (no known polyphonic works preserved), Musician, Singer
Richault, Pierre (1509-1510)
Musician, Singer
Perlant , Jean (1505-1509)
Musician, Singer
Sains (de), Eustache (de)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Thernies (de), Denis (de)
Musician, Organist, Singer
Saint-Marc (de), Nicole (de)
Musician, Singer
Pernot , Robert (1508-1508)
Musician, Singer
Pontbriant (de), Olivier (de)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Du Tillay, Girard (1504-1509)
Musician, Singer
Espinay (d'), Guyon (d')
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Refuge (de), François (de)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Cerizay (de), Jean (de)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Bonneval (de), Foucault (de)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Perrenet, Jean (…-1499)
Master of choirboys, Musician, Singer
Dupeschin, Antoine (1498-circa 1509)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Fontenay (de), Nicolas (de)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Bourgeois, Nicolas (1492-circa 1501)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Vachereau, Jean (1475-1509)
Cantor (ecclesiastical dignitary), Musician
Prevost , Jean (1465-circa 1492)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Picquelin , Jehan (1486-1486)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Espinay (d'), Thibaut (d')
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Martin, Jacques (1483-circa 1503)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Tourettes (de), Guy (de)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Tourin , Antoine Noël (1478-1478)
Musician, Singer
Lallemant, Guillaume (1477-circa 1503)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Manhugeon, Robert (1473-circa 1484)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Mauger, Robert (1465-circa 1473)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Vienne (de), Herman (de)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Quenouille, Vautier (1462-circa 1468)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
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