Given Name
Variant Name
Holluigue (de)
Date of death
Active period
1502 - 1534
Voir Notice Cazaux 2002. Chanoine de ND en 1514 Legrand 1926, récit des funérailles Anne de Bretagne, 14-I5 février 1514
Dumitrescu Document 69: 1508/9 Feb 12 (ADLC E743, f. 72v) Guillaume de la Poterie, priest of the diocese of Thérouanne, appoints Magister Pierre Mouton procurator for the collation of any benefice. Executed in Blois; Witnesses: Simon Martineau, Saturnin Pelletier
(COLLAGE SHERR 1988) Sherr 1988, p. 65-66
Antoine de Feripy
RS 1351, fol. 266v: supplication dated i iJuly, 1510. Feripy, described as a cleric of "N" diocese, of noble birth, and as a singer in the king's chapel,28 asks for a canonry and prebend in the cathedral of Rouen, vacant by the death of Johannes Garin outside of Rome. The income was said not exceed 24 ducats.
Elzear Genet alias Carpentras
Carpentras can be connected with the chapel of Louis XII not through documents, but through his own admission; in the dedication to Cardinal Ippolito de' Medici of the print of his Liber Hymnorum (1532), he stated that he had been recalled to Rome from the French court by Leo X at the beginning of his pontificate. It is now possible to give an idea of the dates of his service to the king. Genet had been a member of the papal chapel at least since 1508, but on 21 May, 1512, he announced his intention of leaving Rome and asked permission to keep the privileges of the papal singers while he was away; presumably, he joined the French royal chapel soon after.29 Nor was he recalled immediately to Rome on the accession of Leo X. The radical idea of making a
composer (Genet) the Master of the papal chapel did not occur immedi-
67 ately to the pope, who on 6 April, 1513, gave the position to the Archbishop of Durazzo, the former sacristan of the chapel.3? Genet was in Rome soon after, however, and was made Master of the papal chapel on 5 November, 1513.31
Antoine de Longueval
Longueval had moved from Ferrara to the royal chapel around 1507.32 He was one of a number of singers in the chapel of Francois I granted benefices and favors by Leo X.33
RS 1340, fol. 67r: supplication dated 2 March, 1510. Longueval, described as a canon of the Ste-Chapelle of Bourges, of noble birth, and as a singer in the king's chapel,34 asks for a dispensation allowing him to hold three incompat-
ible benefices.
28 "Antonius de Feripy, clericus N diocesis seu civitatis de nobili genere ex utroque parente procreatus devoti vestri et Sancte Romane Ecclesie filii Ludovicii francorum regis Christianissimi cantor capellanus."
29 RS 1386, fols. 120r-120v.
30 RS 1406, fol. io5v.
31 RS 1433, fols. 2r-2v.
32 See Lewis Lockwood, Music in Renaissance Ferrara 1400-1505 (Cambridge, MA, 1984).
33 See RV 1206, fols. 466r-466v: bull dated 17 December, 1515. Longueval is made an apostolic notary. Also RV 1206, fols. 476v-479r: bull dated 30 January, 1516. Longueval is granted a dispensation allowing him to hold incompatible benefices.
34 "Anthonius de Longueval, canonicus ecclesie Sancte Capelle Bituricensis de nobili
RS 1341, fol. 243r: supplication dated 20 March, 15 o. Longueval, described as a canon of the Ste-Chapelle of Bourges, of noble birth, and as a royal chamberlain [and not as a singer in any royal chapel],35 had obtained the parish church of Aqueteville in the diocese of Coutances or Rouen ["ecclesia de Aqueteville Constantiensis diocesis perinde Rothomagensis"] and asks for a dispensation allowing him to continue to hold the benefice for three more years without becoming a priest.
RS 1439, fols. 1 13r-1 13v: supplication dated 23 December, 1513. Longueval, described as a canon of the Ste-Chapelle of Bourges, of noble birth, and
as the king's chamberlain,36 had been given a dispensation to hold two incompatible benefices by the papal legate Cardinal Georges d'Amboise, and had been
granted the parish churches of Aqueteville in the diocese of Coutances and Esquenernaville in the diocese of Lisieux. He now asks for a dispensation to allow
him to hold as many as four incompatible benefices.
35 "Antonius de Longueval, canonicus ecclesie sancte capelle Bituricensis ... de nobili genere ex utroque parente procreatus ac Christianissimi francorum regis cubicularius."
36 "Antonius de Longueval canonicus ecclesie Sancte Capelle Bituricensis de nobili genere ex utroque parente procreatus . .. illustrissimi christianissimi francorum regis camerarius
RS 143 1, fols. 84r- 84v: supplication dated 2 November, 1513. Reverdi, described as a priest of an unnamed diocese and singer in the king's chapel,40 had engaged in a lawsuit with Guillaume Muscuvyer concerning the parish church of
Fressemeville in the diocese of Amiens. Reverdi has ceded the benefice and asksfor a pension of 2 livres "monete in regno francie" to be paidfrom the fruits.
RS 1437, fols. 37r-37v: supplication dated 13 January, 1 14. Reverdi, described as priest of an unidentifiable diocese, and of the parish church of St-Egide de Crotot in the diocese of Rouen, and singer in the king's chapel,4' asks for a dispensation allowing him to hold as many as three incompatible benefices.
Conrad Renuger* 69
Although Renuger was in the king's chapel in 1510, he apparently had moved to the queen's chapel by 1513. He is the Mas-
ter of the Chapel in the 1515 list.
RS 1346, fol. 142r: supplication dated 14 May, 1 1 0. Renuger, described as the archpriest "insule Bourgardi" in the cathedral of Tours and as a singer in the king's chapel,42 asks for a dispensation allowing him to hold three incompati-
ble benefices.
RS 1433, fols. 271v- 272v: supplication dated 30 October, 1513. Renuger, described as a priest of an unidentifiable diocese and singer in the queen's
chapel,43, had been given four benefices: a canonry and prebend in the church of
39 "Guillermus Porci, rector parrochialis ecclesie Sancti Viexiis de Ruvere Baiocensis diocesis, magister in artibus, ac capelle Christianissimi francorum regis cantor capellanus."
40 "Georgius Reverdi presbiter N ... christianissimi francorum regis capelle ordinarius cantor."
41 "Georgius Reverdi presbiter Monsconensis [?] diocesis parrochialis ecclesie Beati Egidii de Crotot Rothmagensis diocesis, capelle christianissimi regis cantor."
42 "Conradus Renuger, archipresbiter insule Bougardi in ecclesia Turonensis ad Romanam ecclesiam nullo medio pertinente ac Christianissimi francorum regis cantor capellanus."
43 "Conradus Renuger, presbiter Astatensis (?) diocesis ... qui in capella devotissime et Sancte Romanae Ecclesie Anne francorum regine et Britanie duxisse illustrissime cantor capellanus existit."
St-Sauveur in Blois, the archpriestship "insule Bouchard" in the cathedral of Tours, the parish church of St-Gervais de Mantellam in the diocese of Tours, and the priory of St-Medard de Ylla in the diocese of Tours. He has the necessary dis-
pensation, and asks for a new provision to the benefices. The income of each of the benefices was not expected to exceed 24 ducats.
Nicasius de Villin
RS 1337, fol. 136r: supplication dated 5 February, 1510. Villin, described as a canon of the church of Notre Dame de Cleriaco "nullius diocesis," and as a singer in the king's chapel,44 asks for a dispensation extending permission to hold incompatible benefices to three.
Chapel of Anne de Bretagne
Antoine Divitis, Master of the Chapel*
That Divitis was the Master of Anne's chapel in 15 l is perhaps the most interesting information provided by these documents, but it causes problems. For in the very month that he is so named
70 in the document cited below, Jean Mouton is also called Master of the Queen's chapel in a chapter act of St-Andre of Grenoble.45 Perhaps the
Vatican document is mistaken or Mouton and Divitis shared the position of Master. In any case, Divitis probably moved to Anne's employ
shortly after the disbanding of the chapel of Philip the Fair in 1506.
RS 1345, fols. 2ir- 2 v: supplication dated 2 May, 1510. Robert Challand [Britto, Guibe], Cardinal of Nantes, [also known by his titular church of St. Anastasia], had obtained in commendam the priory of St-Jacques de Premul of the
Benedictine Order, outside the walls of Nantes, but now asks to cede it to Divitis, described as cleric of Liege and singer and Master of the queen's chapel.46 The income was said not to exceed 200 ducats and the cardinal is given the right of regression.
RS 135 7,fols. 1 r- iv: supplication dated 15 October, 1510. Divitis, described as cleric of the diocese of Liege and singer in the queen's chapel, cedes the priory de Sensibus of the Augustinian Order in the diocese of Rennes, to Petrus
44 "Nicasius de Villin, canonicus ecclesie Beate Marie de Cleriaco nullius diocesis ad Romanam ecclesiam nullo medio pertinente, capelle Christianissimi francorum regis cantor capellanus."
45 See Josephine Shine, "The Motets of Jean Mouton," (Ph.D. dissertation, New York University, 1953), p. 18; document dated io May, 1510.
46 "Antonius de Riche, clericus Leodiensis diocesis qui capelle carissime in Christo filie et Sancte Romane Ecclesie filie vestre Anne francorum regine et ducisse Britannie magister et cantor existit."
Jouault, described as a priest of the diocese of Rennes and singer in the queen's chapel. The income was not expected to exceed i oo ducats.
RS 1444, fols. 57r-57v: supplication dated 29 January, 1514. Divitis [not described as a singer in any royal chapel]47 has ceded the priory ofPremul of the Benedictine Order in the diocese of Nantes. Bernardus Clerici, canon of the diocese of St-Malo and apostolic scriptor, asks for the benefice. The income was not expected to exceed 150petits livres tournois.
Jean de Hollewigue alias Mouton, Master of the Chapel*
Mouton is named as a singer in Anne's chapel on 22 April, 1509, and is called Master of the Chapel in a document of 1510 (see Divitis above), but it is likely that he joined Anne's chapel around 1501-02.48 He was also one of a number of singers in the chapel of François I granted benefices and favors by Leo X.49
RS 1312, fol. 21 or: supplication dated 14 February, 1509. Mouton, described as a cleric of the diocese of Therouanne [and not as a singer in any royal 71 chapel], asks for a new provision to the parish church of Tolay, vacant on the death of Egide de Quibriac and given to Mouton by Cardinal Robert Challand. The benefice had originally been resigned by Divitis. The income was not expected to exceed 24 ducats.
RS 1333, fol. i1 8r: supplication dated 28 November, 1509. Mouton, de-
scribed as a cleric of the diocese of Therouanne [and not as a singer in any royal
chapel],50 asks for a dispensation to allow him to hold three incompatible benefices.
RS 1359,fol. 302v: supplication dated 2January, 1511. Franfois le Vigo-
reux and Mouton ask to be allowed to make a permutation of benefices whereby le
Vigoreux [not described as a singer in any royal chapel or as the cleric of any
diocese] will resign a canonry and prebend in the cathedral of Tours and Mouton
[not described as a singer in any royal chapel or as the cleric of any diocese] will
resign the parish church of St. Elnodus "alias de Sancte Dolien" in the diocese of
Nantes (and Cardinal Robert Challand who held this benefice in commendam
will cede it). The income of the canonry was not expected to exceed 24 ducats and
the income from the parish church was not expected to exceed 140 ducats.51
47 "Antonius Divitis alias de la Riche."
48 Bonime, "Anne de
Bretagne," pp. 67-68.
49 RV 1206, fols.
473r-473v: bull dated 17 December, 1515. Mouton is made a papal
"Johannes de Hollewigue alias Mouton, clericus Morinensis diocesis."
51 The document is not
totally clear on this point.
Egide Charpentier
Most of Charpentier's career was spent as a singer in
the papal chapel; he first appears in a chapel list of June 1508.52 In Feb-
ruary of 1510, he announced his intention of leaving Rome and was
granted permission to keep the privileges of a singer in the chapel.53 He
returned to the papal chapel in August, 1514.54 The relatively large
number of documents presented here may be the result of the experi-
ence he gained as a hunter of benefices while a papal singer. And at least
one of them contains a subterfuge related to his former employment. In
January, 1514, Charpentier made a permutation of benefices with the
papal singer Johannes Radulphi, and the original supplication (pre-
sented below) and the actual bull listed by Frey (along with many others
of 1513) state that Charpentier was also a member of the papal chapel,
thus suggesting that he returned to Rome in 1513.55 Yet this seems to be
contradicted by a motu proprio which states that Charpentier actually re-
joined the chapel in August, 1514.56 The conflict is resolved by a suppli-
cation dated 24 February, 1514, in which Charpentier specifically asks
to be considered as a papal singer in the bull of 30 January, 1514 (and
72 therefore as a recipient of their special privileges), even though he was
not in fact in Rome or a member of the chapel when the bull was
promulgated (see below); this legal subterfuge probably applies to the
bulls of 1513 as well. He most likely remained in the queen's chapel until
her death in January, 1514, and then made his way back to Rome.
RS 1388, fol. 298v: supplication dated 22January, 1512. Charpentier,
described as a priest of the diocese of Amiens [and not as a singer in any royal
chapel],57 asks for benefices vacant on the death ofJean Braconnier alias Lour-
dault. See Braconnier above.
RS 1380, fol. 229v: supplication dated 13 February, 1512. Charpentier,
described as a priest of the diocese of Amiens [and not as a singer in any royal
chapel], asks for benefices vacant on the death of Braconnier. See Braconnier
RS 1397,fols. 219v- 22or: supplication dated 1 o November, 1512. Fran-
ciscus [Hamon], Bishop-elect of Nantes, has resigned the parish church of Orato-
riusBoterelli in the diocese of Nantes. Charpentier, described as a cleric of Amiens
See Rome, Archivio di Stato, Misc. Corvisieri busta i, fasc, 12.
53 See RS
1339, fol. 225V: supplication dated 21 February, 1510.
54 Rome Archivio di Stato, Camerale I, 859A, fol. io8r. See also Frey; MF VIII (1955),
55 See
FreyMF VIII (1955), 66-67.
56 See Rome, Archivio di Stato, Camerale I
859A, fol. io8r.
"Egidius Charpentier, presbiter Ambianensis diocesis."
[and not as a singer in any royal chapel],58 asks for the benefice. The church was
united to the parish church of St-Hilaire de Cugno [Organo?]. The income was
not expected to exceed i oo ducats.
RS 1399, fols. 15 7-158r: supplication dated lo November, 1512. Fran-
ciscus, Bishop-elect of Nantes, nephew of Cardinal Robert Challand, resigns
[and the cardinal cedes his right of regression] to the above and other benefices in
favor of Guido Lorens, cleric of Nantes, Franfois Rubeis, cleric of Treguier and
Doctor of Laws [these two do not seem to have been musicians], Charpentier, cleric
of the diocese of Amiens,Jean Nolin, cleric of the diocese of Chartres,Jean Richa-
fort, cleric of the diocese of Liege, and Balduin Lupi, cleric of the diocese of The-
RS 1423, fol. 152v: supplication dated 6 September, 1513. Charpentier,
described as a canon of the cathedral ofBeauvais [and not as a singer in any royal
chapel],60 asks for an unnamed archpriestship in an unnamed church, vacant on
the death ofJohannes de Halestant outside of Rome, and a dispensation allowing
him to retain the parish church of Oratorio Boterelli in the diocese of Nantes. The
income was not expected to exceed 24 ducats.
RS 1426, fol. 208r: supplication dated 12 September, 1513. Basically a
repeat of the previous supplication.
RS 1426, rol. 213r: supplication dated 24 September, 1513. Charpentier,
described as a canon of Beauvais and a singer in the queen's chapel,61 had en-
gaged in a lawsuit withJean de Lyons concerning the parish church of St-Medard
des Poult in the diocese of Soissons. Charpentier resigns the benefice and asks for a
pension of 20 ducats to be paid to him from the fruits of the benefice.
RS 1427, fols. 111-1 12r: supplication dated 5 October, 1513. Charpen-
tier, described as a priest and rector of the parish church of St-Medard des Paux in
the diocese of Soissons has resigned the benefice. Jean de Lyons asked to be granted
it. The income was not expected to exceed 24 ducats.
RS 1440, fols. 6v- 7or: supplication dated 30 January, 1514. Charpen-
"Egidius Charpentier, clericus Ambianensis diocesis."
59 The benefices were: canonries and
prebends in the cathedrals of Nantes and
Rennes and the parish churches of Nort, des Touches, Albaretz, St. Hilarius de Cugno/
Oratorius Boterelli. These were requested by: "Guido Lorens et Franciscus Rubeis ...
ac Johannes Nolin necnon Johannes Richafort et Balduinus Lupi ac Egidius Carpentier
clerici Nannetensis et Trecoriensis ac Carnotensis necnon Leodiensis et Morinensis ac
Ambianensis." See under the respective names.
"Egidius Charpentier, canonicus ecclesie Belvacensis."
"Egidius le Carpentier, canonicus Belvacensis diocesis ac cantor capellanus illustris-
sime domine francorum regine."
tier and Johannes Radulphi, both described as singers in the papal chapel, have
made a permutation of benefices whereby Charpentier has resigned the parish
church of Oratorio Boterelli in the diocese of Nantes and Radulphi has resigned
the parish church of Seguelnan in the diocese of Vannes. The incomes of these
benefices were not expected to exceed 1 oo ducats.
RS 1445,fols. g6v- 97r: supplication dated 24 February, 1514. In the bull
allowing the above permutation, Charpentier had been described as a papal
singer even though he was not in fact in Rome or a member of the papal house-
hold. 62 Because he is worried that this fact may cause him legal problems with the
permutation, he asksfor an indult whereby the bull will be read as if he really were
a member of the chapel at that time.
Jean de Fresne
RS 141 1, fol. 14 v: supplication dated 9 May, 1513 (reign of Leo X).
Fresne, described as a cleric of the diocese of Cambrai and as a singer in the
queen's chapel,63 asks for a dispensation allowing him to hold two incompatible
Noel Galoys
Galoys was one of the singers of the chapel of Fran-
?ois I receiving benefices and favors from Leo X in 1515.64
RS 1436,fols. 154v-15r r: supplication dated 21 December, 1513. Galoys
and Robert Presel, both identified as singers in the queen's chapel, 65 have engaged
in a lawsuit concerning a canonry and prebend in the church of St-Gervais de
Viromanda in the diocese of Noyon. They have come to an agreement whereby
Presel cedes his rights to Jean Le Myre, Galoys cedes the benefice to Le Myre, and
Le Myre pays a pension of 40 livres tournois "monete currente in francia" to
Pierre Jouault alias Brule
Brule joined the papal chapel shortly after the
Queen's death.66 Although in the present documents, he is described as
"Dictus orator pro eoque tempore dicti literarum huiusmodi absens a curia erat
prout adhuc existit, nec e Sanctitatis Vestri continuus comensalis pro presenti existit."
"Johannes de Fresne, clericus Cameracensis diocesis, capellanus et cantor cappelle
devote vestre francorum regine."
64 RV 1206, fols.
474r-475v: bull dated 30 January, 1515- Galoys is granted a dispen-
sation allowing him to hold incompatible benefices.
6- "Robertus Pressel ... et Natales Galoys cantores capelle illustrissime domine regine
66 He entered the papal chapel in August, 1514 (Anne died on January 9, 1514). See
Rome, Archivio di Stato, Camerale I 859A, fol. io8r. See also Hermann-Walther Frey,
a cleric of Breton dioceses, in a supplication he submitted on 4 May,
1507 (in which he is not described as a singer in any royal chapel), he is
called a cleric of the diocese or city of Liege.67
RS 1325,fol. 296v: supplication dated 17 September, 1509.Jean Corbin,
prior of the priory of St-Julien de Cancelles of the Benedictine Order in the diocese
of Nantes, dependent on the monastery of St-Florent de Salmuro in the diocese of
Angers, has resigned the benefice, and Brule, described as a cleric of the diocese of
Angers and as a singer in the queen's chapel,68 asks to be granted the benefice. The
income was said not to exceed 24 ducats.
RS 1357, fols. 1 r- 1v: supplication dated 15 October, 1510. Antoine
Divitis, cedes a priory to Brule, described as a priest of the diocese of Rennes and
singer in the queen's chapel. See Divitis above.
RS 1359, fol. 259v: supplication dated 30 October, 1510. Brule [not de-
scribed as a member of any royal chapel] requests an addition to a supplication
dated 15 October, 1510, stating that Cardinal Robert Challand had the right of
regression to the priory [not identifiedfurther] and has ceded it.
RS 1417, fols. 13 r-13 v: supplication dated 29 June, 1513. The parish
church of St-Eloi de Montauban in the diocese of St-Malo,69 vacant on the death
of Charles Hautbois, bishop of Tournai, had been given to Brule, described as a
cleric of the diocese of Rennes and as a singer in the queen's chapel. 70 Brule asks
for a new provision to the benefice. The income was not expected to exceed 24
Balduin Lupi (?)
Although Lupi is not identified in any other docu-
ments as a singer, his placement in the list of people in the first docu-
ment below (between Richafort and Charpentier) suggests strongly that
he was a singer, probably in the chapel of Anne de Bretagne.
"Regesten der papstlichen Kapelle unter Papst Leo X und zu seiner Privatkapelle," Die
Musikforschung VIII (1955), 71.
67 See RS
1253, fols. 215r- 21 5V: supplication dated 4 May, 1507. Brule, described as a
cleric of Liege "vel alterius diocesis" or of the city of Liege, had made a permutation of
benefices withJohannes Douchet, whereby Brule had resigned a canonry and prebend in
the church of St. Albanus in the town of Nauburien [Namur?] in the diocese of Liege and
Douchet had resigned the parish church of Carabosco and the chaplainry at the altar of
St. Nicholas in the church of St. Johannes in the diocese and city of Liege. Because the
income of the canonry/prebend was more than the income of the other benefices, Brule
asks for a pension of 24 rhenish florins to be paid by Douchet.
68 "Petrus Jouault alias
Brule, clericus Andegavanensis diocesis cappelle Illustrissime
Anne francorum regine et Britannie ducisse cantor."
69 "Parrochialis ecclesia Sancti
Eligii de Monte Aubano Macloviensis diocesis."
70 "Petrus
Jouault alias Brule clericus Redonensis diocesis capelle illustrissime fran-
corum regine cantor ordinarius."
RS 1399,fols. 15 7v- 158r: supplication dated i o November, 1512. Fran-
ciscus [Hamon], Bishop-elect of Nantes has resigned many benefices to many peo-
ple [see Charpentier, above], among them the parish church of Albaretz in the
diocese of Nantes. Lupi, described as a cleric of Therouanne [and not as a singer
in any royal chapel], asks for the benefice. The income was not expected to exceed
80 ducats.
RS 1418, fol. 142v: supplication dated 15July, 1513. Lupi, described as
the rector of the parish church of Abaratz in the diocese of Nantes [and not de-
scribed as a singer in any royal chapel],71 has resigned the benefice. Franciscus
[Hamon], Bishop-elect of Nantes asks for the benefice. The income was not ex-
pected to exceed i oo ducats.
Jean Maupin*
Maupin had previously been in the king's chapel and
was a member of the chapel of the Duke of Ferrara in 1506 and 1508.72
RS 1347, fol. 27v: supplication dated 6June, 151 o. Maupin, described as
rector of the parish church of Novonico in the diocese ofA utun and a singer in the
queen's chapel,73 asks for a dispensation to allow him to hold three incompatible
RS 1379, fol. 1 o6v: supplication dated 27January, 1512. Maupin, described as
the rector of the parish church of Durat in the diocese of Meaux [and not as a
singer in any royal chapel], deacon, and in his 23rd year, 74 asks permission to be
ordained a priest.
Pierre Mouton*
Pierre Mouton, the Queen's organist in 1509,75 is
closely connected with the cathedral of Notre Dame; it was as a canon of
the cathedral that he died on 11 May, 1534.76
RS 1337, fols. 129v-13or: supplication dated 29January, 151o. Mou-
ton, described as a priest of the diocese of Paris and a Master of Arts [and not as a
71 "Balduinus Luppi, rector parrochialis ecclesie d'Abaratz Nannetensis diocesis."
72 See Lewis
Lockwood, "Jean Mouton and Jean Michel: French Music and Musicians
in Italy 1505-1520,"Journal of the American Musicological Society XXXII (1979), 2 1o.
"Johannes Maupin, rector parrochialis ecclesie de Novonico Eduensis diocesis, ca-
pelle devote vestre Anne francorum regine illustrissime cantor capellanus."
Johannes Maupin, rector parrochialis ecclesie loci de Durat Meldensis vel alterius
diocesis, in diaconatu ordine et vicesimo tertio vel circa sue etatis anno constitutus."
75 He is so designated in a chapter record of St-Andre in Grenoble in which he wit-
nessed the conferral of a benefice on Jean Mouton on 22 April, 1509. See Josephine
Shine "The Motets of Jean Mouton," p. 16; and Bonime, "Anne de Bretagne," chapter 5.
76 Information
supplied by Craig Wright.
singer in any royal chapel],77 asks for a new provision to the canonry and prebend
in the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris, vacant on the death of Guillaume le
Condurier. The income was not expected to exceed 24 ducats.
RS 1347,fols. 275r- 275v: supplication dated 6June, 151 . Mouton, de-
scribed as a canon of the cathedral of Notre Dame, Master of Arts, and rector of
the parish church of St-Denis de Bourdenfer in the diocese of Paris [and not as a
singer in any royal chapel], 78 asks for a dispensation allowing him to hold three
incompatible benefices.
Jean Nolin*79
RS 1347, fol. 274r: supplication dated 6June, 1510. Nolin, described as
rector of the parish church of St-Remy de Ponchon in the diocese ofBeauvais and
as a singer in the queen's chapel,80 asks for a dispensation to allow him to hold
three incompatible benefices.
RS 1397,fols. 219r- 2 1v: supplication dated 1 oNovember, 1512. Fran-
ciscus, Bishop-elect of Nantes, has resigned the parish church of Nort in the dio-
cese of Nantes. Nolin, described as a cleric of the diocese of Chartres [and not as a
singer in any royal chapel],81 asks for the benefices. Franciscus was in the house-
hold of Cardinal Robert Challand. The income was not expected to exceed
go ducats.
RS 1399, fols. 157r-157v: supplication dated 1o November, 1512. An-
other document concerning the same benefice, and others claimed byJean Richa-
fort, Egide Charpentier, and Balduin Lupi. See Charpentier above.
Robert Presel
See Galoys above.
Conrad Renuger
See king's chapel list above.
Jean Richafort
Although none of the documents mentioned here
specifically states that Richafort was a member of any royal chapel, it
77 "Petrus Mouton,
presbiter Parisiensis, in artibus magister."
78 "Petrus
Mouton, canonicus ecclesie Parisiensis, ac rector parrochialis ecclesie Sancti
Dionisii de Bourdenfer Parisiensis diocesis, magister in artibus."
79 He
may be the "Noly" in the 1515 list.
Johannes Nolin, rector parrochialis ecclesie Sancti Remigii de Ponchon Belvacensis
diocesis, capelle devote vestre Anne francorum regine illustrissime cantor capellanus."
"Johannes Nolin, clericus Carnotensis."
seems almost certain that he belonged to Anne's chapel because the
benefice he received was in Brittany. These are the earliest documents
connecting him with the French court.82 He was also one of the singers
of the chapel of Fran?ois I to receive benefices and favors from Leo X.83
RS 1397, fol. 219v: supplication dated o November, 1512. Franciscus,
Bishop-elect of Nantes has resigned the parish church of Touches in the diocese of
Nantes. Richafort, described as a cleric of Liege [and not as a singer in any royal
chapel], 84 asksfor the benefice. The income was not expected to exceed 1 oo ducats.
RS 1399, fols. 157r-5 7v: supplication dated o November, 1512. An-
other document concerning the same benefice, and others claimed by Egide Char-
pentier, Jean Nolin, and Balduin Lupi. See Charpentier above.
Claudin de Sermizy*
The earliest document about Sermizy places him in
the Sainte-Chapelle in July, 1508. The documents presented below fill
out part of a gap in his biography, and suggest that he was one of the
musicians whom the queen enticed away from the Sainte-Chapelle in
78 late 1508.85 He is also one of the singers of the chapel of Fran?ois I who
received benefices and favors from Leo X.86
RS 1339 fols. 65v- 66r: supplication dated 4 February, 151o. Sermizy,
described as a cleric of "N" diocese and as a singer in the queen's chapel,87 asks to
be granted in commendam the priory of St-Jean de Bouguennes of the Augustin-
ian Order in the diocese of Nantes, vacant on the death of Gohin, Abbot of the
monastery of Ste-Marie Magdalene de Genestonio in the diocese of Nantes. The
income was said not to exceed i oo ducats.
RS 1348, fol. 1 29 r: supplication dated 8June, 151 o. Sermizy, described as
a cleric of the diocese of Noyon, prior of the priory of St-Jean de Bouguennes [see
above] in the diocese of Nantes, and as a singer in the queen's chapel,88 asks for a
dispensation to allow him to hold three incompatible benefices.
See Lawrence Bernstein, La Couronne et Fleur des Chansons a Troys, Part 2: Commen-
tary; Masters and Monuments of the Renaissance, vol. 3 (New York, 1984) for a summary
of Richafort's biography.
83 RV 1206, fols.
468r-46gv: bull dated 3oJanuary, 1516. Richafort is given a dispen-
sation allowing him to hold incompatible benefices. He is also described as rector of the
parish church of Touches in the diocese of Nantes (see document above).
84 "Johannes Richafort, clericus Leodiensis."
85 Bonime, "Anne de
Bretagne," pp. 36-37.
RV 1206, fols. 466v-468r: bull dated 3oJanuary, 15 16. Sermizy is given a dispensa-
tion allowing him to hold incompatible benefices.
87 "Claudius de Sermisi, clericus N diocesis, dilecte in Christo et Sancte Romane Eccle-
sie filie vestre Anne Francorum regine et Britannie ducisse Christianissime cantor."
88 "Claudius de Sermissy, clericus Noviomensis diocesis, prioratus commendatorius
Jean de Vasse
RS 1347, fol. 275v: supplication dated 6June, 151o. De Vasse, described
as a cleric of Le Mans and as a singer in the queen's chapel, 89 asks for a dispensa-
tion to allow him to hold three incompatible benefices.
RS 1347, fol. 277v: 1 1 June, 1510. De Vasse, described as a cleric of Le
Mans [and not as a singer in any royal chapel]90 asks for a new provision to a
canonry and prebend in the cathedral of Le Mans vacant on the death of Marius
Guerrande. The income was said not to exceed 24 ducats.
Fran;ois Le Vigoreux*
Le Vigoreux is not identified in this document as a
singer in either royal chapel, but I am assuming that he was a member of
Anne's chapel because the benefice involved was in the diocese of
RS 1359, fol. 302v: supplication dated 2January, 1511. See entry under
The most interesting information presented here
concerns the extent and quality of the chapel of Anne de Bretagne (al-
though of course it is a question as to how separate the chapels of the
king and queen really were). While it has long been known that she had a
private chapel, and that Mouton was one of her singers,91 it had not been
known (as these supplications show) that the Queen employed others of
the rising generation of French composers; in fact she employed almost
all of them (Mouton, Divitis, Richafort, and Sermizy), or that she had
such a large chapel (16 people can be identified as her chapel singers in
the years 1510-14; in 1515, the king's chapel numbered 22, and this
presumably represented a merger of the two royal chapels). Anne's
chapel might have been formed as an expression of her special devotion
to religion and love of music; more likely she maintained one more as
part of her dignity as the reigning Duchess of Brittany than as Queen of
France. Indeed, her personal patronage o
Dumitrescu Document 69: 1508/9 Feb 12 (ADLC E743, f. 72v) Guillaume de la Poterie, priest of the diocese of Thérouanne, appoints Magister Pierre Mouton procurator for the collation of any benefice. Executed in Blois; Witnesses: Simon Martineau, Saturnin Pelletier
(COLLAGE SHERR 1988) Sherr 1988, p. 65-66
Antoine de Feripy
RS 1351, fol. 266v: supplication dated i iJuly, 1510. Feripy, described as a cleric of "N" diocese, of noble birth, and as a singer in the king's chapel,28 asks for a canonry and prebend in the cathedral of Rouen, vacant by the death of Johannes Garin outside of Rome. The income was said not exceed 24 ducats.
Elzear Genet alias Carpentras
Carpentras can be connected with the chapel of Louis XII not through documents, but through his own admission; in the dedication to Cardinal Ippolito de' Medici of the print of his Liber Hymnorum (1532), he stated that he had been recalled to Rome from the French court by Leo X at the beginning of his pontificate. It is now possible to give an idea of the dates of his service to the king. Genet had been a member of the papal chapel at least since 1508, but on 21 May, 1512, he announced his intention of leaving Rome and asked permission to keep the privileges of the papal singers while he was away; presumably, he joined the French royal chapel soon after.29 Nor was he recalled immediately to Rome on the accession of Leo X. The radical idea of making a
composer (Genet) the Master of the papal chapel did not occur immedi-
67 ately to the pope, who on 6 April, 1513, gave the position to the Archbishop of Durazzo, the former sacristan of the chapel.3? Genet was in Rome soon after, however, and was made Master of the papal chapel on 5 November, 1513.31
Antoine de Longueval
Longueval had moved from Ferrara to the royal chapel around 1507.32 He was one of a number of singers in the chapel of Francois I granted benefices and favors by Leo X.33
RS 1340, fol. 67r: supplication dated 2 March, 1510. Longueval, described as a canon of the Ste-Chapelle of Bourges, of noble birth, and as a singer in the king's chapel,34 asks for a dispensation allowing him to hold three incompat-
ible benefices.
28 "Antonius de Feripy, clericus N diocesis seu civitatis de nobili genere ex utroque parente procreatus devoti vestri et Sancte Romane Ecclesie filii Ludovicii francorum regis Christianissimi cantor capellanus."
29 RS 1386, fols. 120r-120v.
30 RS 1406, fol. io5v.
31 RS 1433, fols. 2r-2v.
32 See Lewis Lockwood, Music in Renaissance Ferrara 1400-1505 (Cambridge, MA, 1984).
33 See RV 1206, fols. 466r-466v: bull dated 17 December, 1515. Longueval is made an apostolic notary. Also RV 1206, fols. 476v-479r: bull dated 30 January, 1516. Longueval is granted a dispensation allowing him to hold incompatible benefices.
34 "Anthonius de Longueval, canonicus ecclesie Sancte Capelle Bituricensis de nobili
RS 1341, fol. 243r: supplication dated 20 March, 15 o. Longueval, described as a canon of the Ste-Chapelle of Bourges, of noble birth, and as a royal chamberlain [and not as a singer in any royal chapel],35 had obtained the parish church of Aqueteville in the diocese of Coutances or Rouen ["ecclesia de Aqueteville Constantiensis diocesis perinde Rothomagensis"] and asks for a dispensation allowing him to continue to hold the benefice for three more years without becoming a priest.
RS 1439, fols. 1 13r-1 13v: supplication dated 23 December, 1513. Longueval, described as a canon of the Ste-Chapelle of Bourges, of noble birth, and
as the king's chamberlain,36 had been given a dispensation to hold two incompatible benefices by the papal legate Cardinal Georges d'Amboise, and had been
granted the parish churches of Aqueteville in the diocese of Coutances and Esquenernaville in the diocese of Lisieux. He now asks for a dispensation to allow
him to hold as many as four incompatible benefices.
35 "Antonius de Longueval, canonicus ecclesie sancte capelle Bituricensis ... de nobili genere ex utroque parente procreatus ac Christianissimi francorum regis cubicularius."
36 "Antonius de Longueval canonicus ecclesie Sancte Capelle Bituricensis de nobili genere ex utroque parente procreatus . .. illustrissimi christianissimi francorum regis camerarius
RS 143 1, fols. 84r- 84v: supplication dated 2 November, 1513. Reverdi, described as a priest of an unnamed diocese and singer in the king's chapel,40 had engaged in a lawsuit with Guillaume Muscuvyer concerning the parish church of
Fressemeville in the diocese of Amiens. Reverdi has ceded the benefice and asksfor a pension of 2 livres "monete in regno francie" to be paidfrom the fruits.
RS 1437, fols. 37r-37v: supplication dated 13 January, 1 14. Reverdi, described as priest of an unidentifiable diocese, and of the parish church of St-Egide de Crotot in the diocese of Rouen, and singer in the king's chapel,4' asks for a dispensation allowing him to hold as many as three incompatible benefices.
Conrad Renuger* 69
Although Renuger was in the king's chapel in 1510, he apparently had moved to the queen's chapel by 1513. He is the Mas-
ter of the Chapel in the 1515 list.
RS 1346, fol. 142r: supplication dated 14 May, 1 1 0. Renuger, described as the archpriest "insule Bourgardi" in the cathedral of Tours and as a singer in the king's chapel,42 asks for a dispensation allowing him to hold three incompati-
ble benefices.
RS 1433, fols. 271v- 272v: supplication dated 30 October, 1513. Renuger, described as a priest of an unidentifiable diocese and singer in the queen's
chapel,43, had been given four benefices: a canonry and prebend in the church of
39 "Guillermus Porci, rector parrochialis ecclesie Sancti Viexiis de Ruvere Baiocensis diocesis, magister in artibus, ac capelle Christianissimi francorum regis cantor capellanus."
40 "Georgius Reverdi presbiter N ... christianissimi francorum regis capelle ordinarius cantor."
41 "Georgius Reverdi presbiter Monsconensis [?] diocesis parrochialis ecclesie Beati Egidii de Crotot Rothmagensis diocesis, capelle christianissimi regis cantor."
42 "Conradus Renuger, archipresbiter insule Bougardi in ecclesia Turonensis ad Romanam ecclesiam nullo medio pertinente ac Christianissimi francorum regis cantor capellanus."
43 "Conradus Renuger, presbiter Astatensis (?) diocesis ... qui in capella devotissime et Sancte Romanae Ecclesie Anne francorum regine et Britanie duxisse illustrissime cantor capellanus existit."
St-Sauveur in Blois, the archpriestship "insule Bouchard" in the cathedral of Tours, the parish church of St-Gervais de Mantellam in the diocese of Tours, and the priory of St-Medard de Ylla in the diocese of Tours. He has the necessary dis-
pensation, and asks for a new provision to the benefices. The income of each of the benefices was not expected to exceed 24 ducats.
Nicasius de Villin
RS 1337, fol. 136r: supplication dated 5 February, 1510. Villin, described as a canon of the church of Notre Dame de Cleriaco "nullius diocesis," and as a singer in the king's chapel,44 asks for a dispensation extending permission to hold incompatible benefices to three.
Chapel of Anne de Bretagne
Antoine Divitis, Master of the Chapel*
That Divitis was the Master of Anne's chapel in 15 l is perhaps the most interesting information provided by these documents, but it causes problems. For in the very month that he is so named
70 in the document cited below, Jean Mouton is also called Master of the Queen's chapel in a chapter act of St-Andre of Grenoble.45 Perhaps the
Vatican document is mistaken or Mouton and Divitis shared the position of Master. In any case, Divitis probably moved to Anne's employ
shortly after the disbanding of the chapel of Philip the Fair in 1506.
RS 1345, fols. 2ir- 2 v: supplication dated 2 May, 1510. Robert Challand [Britto, Guibe], Cardinal of Nantes, [also known by his titular church of St. Anastasia], had obtained in commendam the priory of St-Jacques de Premul of the
Benedictine Order, outside the walls of Nantes, but now asks to cede it to Divitis, described as cleric of Liege and singer and Master of the queen's chapel.46 The income was said not to exceed 200 ducats and the cardinal is given the right of regression.
RS 135 7,fols. 1 r- iv: supplication dated 15 October, 1510. Divitis, described as cleric of the diocese of Liege and singer in the queen's chapel, cedes the priory de Sensibus of the Augustinian Order in the diocese of Rennes, to Petrus
44 "Nicasius de Villin, canonicus ecclesie Beate Marie de Cleriaco nullius diocesis ad Romanam ecclesiam nullo medio pertinente, capelle Christianissimi francorum regis cantor capellanus."
45 See Josephine Shine, "The Motets of Jean Mouton," (Ph.D. dissertation, New York University, 1953), p. 18; document dated io May, 1510.
46 "Antonius de Riche, clericus Leodiensis diocesis qui capelle carissime in Christo filie et Sancte Romane Ecclesie filie vestre Anne francorum regine et ducisse Britannie magister et cantor existit."
Jouault, described as a priest of the diocese of Rennes and singer in the queen's chapel. The income was not expected to exceed i oo ducats.
RS 1444, fols. 57r-57v: supplication dated 29 January, 1514. Divitis [not described as a singer in any royal chapel]47 has ceded the priory ofPremul of the Benedictine Order in the diocese of Nantes. Bernardus Clerici, canon of the diocese of St-Malo and apostolic scriptor, asks for the benefice. The income was not expected to exceed 150petits livres tournois.
Jean de Hollewigue alias Mouton, Master of the Chapel*
Mouton is named as a singer in Anne's chapel on 22 April, 1509, and is called Master of the Chapel in a document of 1510 (see Divitis above), but it is likely that he joined Anne's chapel around 1501-02.48 He was also one of a number of singers in the chapel of François I granted benefices and favors by Leo X.49
RS 1312, fol. 21 or: supplication dated 14 February, 1509. Mouton, described as a cleric of the diocese of Therouanne [and not as a singer in any royal 71 chapel], asks for a new provision to the parish church of Tolay, vacant on the death of Egide de Quibriac and given to Mouton by Cardinal Robert Challand. The benefice had originally been resigned by Divitis. The income was not expected to exceed 24 ducats.
RS 1333, fol. i1 8r: supplication dated 28 November, 1509. Mouton, de-
scribed as a cleric of the diocese of Therouanne [and not as a singer in any royal
chapel],50 asks for a dispensation to allow him to hold three incompatible benefices.
RS 1359,fol. 302v: supplication dated 2January, 1511. Franfois le Vigo-
reux and Mouton ask to be allowed to make a permutation of benefices whereby le
Vigoreux [not described as a singer in any royal chapel or as the cleric of any
diocese] will resign a canonry and prebend in the cathedral of Tours and Mouton
[not described as a singer in any royal chapel or as the cleric of any diocese] will
resign the parish church of St. Elnodus "alias de Sancte Dolien" in the diocese of
Nantes (and Cardinal Robert Challand who held this benefice in commendam
will cede it). The income of the canonry was not expected to exceed 24 ducats and
the income from the parish church was not expected to exceed 140 ducats.51
47 "Antonius Divitis alias de la Riche."
48 Bonime, "Anne de
Bretagne," pp. 67-68.
49 RV 1206, fols.
473r-473v: bull dated 17 December, 1515. Mouton is made a papal
"Johannes de Hollewigue alias Mouton, clericus Morinensis diocesis."
51 The document is not
totally clear on this point.
Egide Charpentier
Most of Charpentier's career was spent as a singer in
the papal chapel; he first appears in a chapel list of June 1508.52 In Feb-
ruary of 1510, he announced his intention of leaving Rome and was
granted permission to keep the privileges of a singer in the chapel.53 He
returned to the papal chapel in August, 1514.54 The relatively large
number of documents presented here may be the result of the experi-
ence he gained as a hunter of benefices while a papal singer. And at least
one of them contains a subterfuge related to his former employment. In
January, 1514, Charpentier made a permutation of benefices with the
papal singer Johannes Radulphi, and the original supplication (pre-
sented below) and the actual bull listed by Frey (along with many others
of 1513) state that Charpentier was also a member of the papal chapel,
thus suggesting that he returned to Rome in 1513.55 Yet this seems to be
contradicted by a motu proprio which states that Charpentier actually re-
joined the chapel in August, 1514.56 The conflict is resolved by a suppli-
cation dated 24 February, 1514, in which Charpentier specifically asks
to be considered as a papal singer in the bull of 30 January, 1514 (and
72 therefore as a recipient of their special privileges), even though he was
not in fact in Rome or a member of the chapel when the bull was
promulgated (see below); this legal subterfuge probably applies to the
bulls of 1513 as well. He most likely remained in the queen's chapel until
her death in January, 1514, and then made his way back to Rome.
RS 1388, fol. 298v: supplication dated 22January, 1512. Charpentier,
described as a priest of the diocese of Amiens [and not as a singer in any royal
chapel],57 asks for benefices vacant on the death ofJean Braconnier alias Lour-
dault. See Braconnier above.
RS 1380, fol. 229v: supplication dated 13 February, 1512. Charpentier,
described as a priest of the diocese of Amiens [and not as a singer in any royal
chapel], asks for benefices vacant on the death of Braconnier. See Braconnier
RS 1397,fols. 219v- 22or: supplication dated 1 o November, 1512. Fran-
ciscus [Hamon], Bishop-elect of Nantes, has resigned the parish church of Orato-
riusBoterelli in the diocese of Nantes. Charpentier, described as a cleric of Amiens
See Rome, Archivio di Stato, Misc. Corvisieri busta i, fasc, 12.
53 See RS
1339, fol. 225V: supplication dated 21 February, 1510.
54 Rome Archivio di Stato, Camerale I, 859A, fol. io8r. See also Frey; MF VIII (1955),
55 See
FreyMF VIII (1955), 66-67.
56 See Rome, Archivio di Stato, Camerale I
859A, fol. io8r.
"Egidius Charpentier, presbiter Ambianensis diocesis."
[and not as a singer in any royal chapel],58 asks for the benefice. The church was
united to the parish church of St-Hilaire de Cugno [Organo?]. The income was
not expected to exceed i oo ducats.
RS 1399, fols. 15 7-158r: supplication dated lo November, 1512. Fran-
ciscus, Bishop-elect of Nantes, nephew of Cardinal Robert Challand, resigns
[and the cardinal cedes his right of regression] to the above and other benefices in
favor of Guido Lorens, cleric of Nantes, Franfois Rubeis, cleric of Treguier and
Doctor of Laws [these two do not seem to have been musicians], Charpentier, cleric
of the diocese of Amiens,Jean Nolin, cleric of the diocese of Chartres,Jean Richa-
fort, cleric of the diocese of Liege, and Balduin Lupi, cleric of the diocese of The-
RS 1423, fol. 152v: supplication dated 6 September, 1513. Charpentier,
described as a canon of the cathedral ofBeauvais [and not as a singer in any royal
chapel],60 asks for an unnamed archpriestship in an unnamed church, vacant on
the death ofJohannes de Halestant outside of Rome, and a dispensation allowing
him to retain the parish church of Oratorio Boterelli in the diocese of Nantes. The
income was not expected to exceed 24 ducats.
RS 1426, fol. 208r: supplication dated 12 September, 1513. Basically a
repeat of the previous supplication.
RS 1426, rol. 213r: supplication dated 24 September, 1513. Charpentier,
described as a canon of Beauvais and a singer in the queen's chapel,61 had en-
gaged in a lawsuit withJean de Lyons concerning the parish church of St-Medard
des Poult in the diocese of Soissons. Charpentier resigns the benefice and asks for a
pension of 20 ducats to be paid to him from the fruits of the benefice.
RS 1427, fols. 111-1 12r: supplication dated 5 October, 1513. Charpen-
tier, described as a priest and rector of the parish church of St-Medard des Paux in
the diocese of Soissons has resigned the benefice. Jean de Lyons asked to be granted
it. The income was not expected to exceed 24 ducats.
RS 1440, fols. 6v- 7or: supplication dated 30 January, 1514. Charpen-
"Egidius Charpentier, clericus Ambianensis diocesis."
59 The benefices were: canonries and
prebends in the cathedrals of Nantes and
Rennes and the parish churches of Nort, des Touches, Albaretz, St. Hilarius de Cugno/
Oratorius Boterelli. These were requested by: "Guido Lorens et Franciscus Rubeis ...
ac Johannes Nolin necnon Johannes Richafort et Balduinus Lupi ac Egidius Carpentier
clerici Nannetensis et Trecoriensis ac Carnotensis necnon Leodiensis et Morinensis ac
Ambianensis." See under the respective names.
"Egidius Charpentier, canonicus ecclesie Belvacensis."
"Egidius le Carpentier, canonicus Belvacensis diocesis ac cantor capellanus illustris-
sime domine francorum regine."
tier and Johannes Radulphi, both described as singers in the papal chapel, have
made a permutation of benefices whereby Charpentier has resigned the parish
church of Oratorio Boterelli in the diocese of Nantes and Radulphi has resigned
the parish church of Seguelnan in the diocese of Vannes. The incomes of these
benefices were not expected to exceed 1 oo ducats.
RS 1445,fols. g6v- 97r: supplication dated 24 February, 1514. In the bull
allowing the above permutation, Charpentier had been described as a papal
singer even though he was not in fact in Rome or a member of the papal house-
hold. 62 Because he is worried that this fact may cause him legal problems with the
permutation, he asksfor an indult whereby the bull will be read as if he really were
a member of the chapel at that time.
Jean de Fresne
RS 141 1, fol. 14 v: supplication dated 9 May, 1513 (reign of Leo X).
Fresne, described as a cleric of the diocese of Cambrai and as a singer in the
queen's chapel,63 asks for a dispensation allowing him to hold two incompatible
Noel Galoys
Galoys was one of the singers of the chapel of Fran-
?ois I receiving benefices and favors from Leo X in 1515.64
RS 1436,fols. 154v-15r r: supplication dated 21 December, 1513. Galoys
and Robert Presel, both identified as singers in the queen's chapel, 65 have engaged
in a lawsuit concerning a canonry and prebend in the church of St-Gervais de
Viromanda in the diocese of Noyon. They have come to an agreement whereby
Presel cedes his rights to Jean Le Myre, Galoys cedes the benefice to Le Myre, and
Le Myre pays a pension of 40 livres tournois "monete currente in francia" to
Pierre Jouault alias Brule
Brule joined the papal chapel shortly after the
Queen's death.66 Although in the present documents, he is described as
"Dictus orator pro eoque tempore dicti literarum huiusmodi absens a curia erat
prout adhuc existit, nec e Sanctitatis Vestri continuus comensalis pro presenti existit."
"Johannes de Fresne, clericus Cameracensis diocesis, capellanus et cantor cappelle
devote vestre francorum regine."
64 RV 1206, fols.
474r-475v: bull dated 30 January, 1515- Galoys is granted a dispen-
sation allowing him to hold incompatible benefices.
6- "Robertus Pressel ... et Natales Galoys cantores capelle illustrissime domine regine
66 He entered the papal chapel in August, 1514 (Anne died on January 9, 1514). See
Rome, Archivio di Stato, Camerale I 859A, fol. io8r. See also Hermann-Walther Frey,
a cleric of Breton dioceses, in a supplication he submitted on 4 May,
1507 (in which he is not described as a singer in any royal chapel), he is
called a cleric of the diocese or city of Liege.67
RS 1325,fol. 296v: supplication dated 17 September, 1509.Jean Corbin,
prior of the priory of St-Julien de Cancelles of the Benedictine Order in the diocese
of Nantes, dependent on the monastery of St-Florent de Salmuro in the diocese of
Angers, has resigned the benefice, and Brule, described as a cleric of the diocese of
Angers and as a singer in the queen's chapel,68 asks to be granted the benefice. The
income was said not to exceed 24 ducats.
RS 1357, fols. 1 r- 1v: supplication dated 15 October, 1510. Antoine
Divitis, cedes a priory to Brule, described as a priest of the diocese of Rennes and
singer in the queen's chapel. See Divitis above.
RS 1359, fol. 259v: supplication dated 30 October, 1510. Brule [not de-
scribed as a member of any royal chapel] requests an addition to a supplication
dated 15 October, 1510, stating that Cardinal Robert Challand had the right of
regression to the priory [not identifiedfurther] and has ceded it.
RS 1417, fols. 13 r-13 v: supplication dated 29 June, 1513. The parish
church of St-Eloi de Montauban in the diocese of St-Malo,69 vacant on the death
of Charles Hautbois, bishop of Tournai, had been given to Brule, described as a
cleric of the diocese of Rennes and as a singer in the queen's chapel. 70 Brule asks
for a new provision to the benefice. The income was not expected to exceed 24
Balduin Lupi (?)
Although Lupi is not identified in any other docu-
ments as a singer, his placement in the list of people in the first docu-
ment below (between Richafort and Charpentier) suggests strongly that
he was a singer, probably in the chapel of Anne de Bretagne.
"Regesten der papstlichen Kapelle unter Papst Leo X und zu seiner Privatkapelle," Die
Musikforschung VIII (1955), 71.
67 See RS
1253, fols. 215r- 21 5V: supplication dated 4 May, 1507. Brule, described as a
cleric of Liege "vel alterius diocesis" or of the city of Liege, had made a permutation of
benefices withJohannes Douchet, whereby Brule had resigned a canonry and prebend in
the church of St. Albanus in the town of Nauburien [Namur?] in the diocese of Liege and
Douchet had resigned the parish church of Carabosco and the chaplainry at the altar of
St. Nicholas in the church of St. Johannes in the diocese and city of Liege. Because the
income of the canonry/prebend was more than the income of the other benefices, Brule
asks for a pension of 24 rhenish florins to be paid by Douchet.
68 "Petrus Jouault alias
Brule, clericus Andegavanensis diocesis cappelle Illustrissime
Anne francorum regine et Britannie ducisse cantor."
69 "Parrochialis ecclesia Sancti
Eligii de Monte Aubano Macloviensis diocesis."
70 "Petrus
Jouault alias Brule clericus Redonensis diocesis capelle illustrissime fran-
corum regine cantor ordinarius."
RS 1399,fols. 15 7v- 158r: supplication dated i o November, 1512. Fran-
ciscus [Hamon], Bishop-elect of Nantes has resigned many benefices to many peo-
ple [see Charpentier, above], among them the parish church of Albaretz in the
diocese of Nantes. Lupi, described as a cleric of Therouanne [and not as a singer
in any royal chapel], asks for the benefice. The income was not expected to exceed
80 ducats.
RS 1418, fol. 142v: supplication dated 15July, 1513. Lupi, described as
the rector of the parish church of Abaratz in the diocese of Nantes [and not de-
scribed as a singer in any royal chapel],71 has resigned the benefice. Franciscus
[Hamon], Bishop-elect of Nantes asks for the benefice. The income was not ex-
pected to exceed i oo ducats.
Jean Maupin*
Maupin had previously been in the king's chapel and
was a member of the chapel of the Duke of Ferrara in 1506 and 1508.72
RS 1347, fol. 27v: supplication dated 6June, 151 o. Maupin, described as
rector of the parish church of Novonico in the diocese ofA utun and a singer in the
queen's chapel,73 asks for a dispensation to allow him to hold three incompatible
RS 1379, fol. 1 o6v: supplication dated 27January, 1512. Maupin, described as
the rector of the parish church of Durat in the diocese of Meaux [and not as a
singer in any royal chapel], deacon, and in his 23rd year, 74 asks permission to be
ordained a priest.
Pierre Mouton*
Pierre Mouton, the Queen's organist in 1509,75 is
closely connected with the cathedral of Notre Dame; it was as a canon of
the cathedral that he died on 11 May, 1534.76
RS 1337, fols. 129v-13or: supplication dated 29January, 151o. Mou-
ton, described as a priest of the diocese of Paris and a Master of Arts [and not as a
71 "Balduinus Luppi, rector parrochialis ecclesie d'Abaratz Nannetensis diocesis."
72 See Lewis
Lockwood, "Jean Mouton and Jean Michel: French Music and Musicians
in Italy 1505-1520,"Journal of the American Musicological Society XXXII (1979), 2 1o.
"Johannes Maupin, rector parrochialis ecclesie de Novonico Eduensis diocesis, ca-
pelle devote vestre Anne francorum regine illustrissime cantor capellanus."
Johannes Maupin, rector parrochialis ecclesie loci de Durat Meldensis vel alterius
diocesis, in diaconatu ordine et vicesimo tertio vel circa sue etatis anno constitutus."
75 He is so designated in a chapter record of St-Andre in Grenoble in which he wit-
nessed the conferral of a benefice on Jean Mouton on 22 April, 1509. See Josephine
Shine "The Motets of Jean Mouton," p. 16; and Bonime, "Anne de Bretagne," chapter 5.
76 Information
supplied by Craig Wright.
singer in any royal chapel],77 asks for a new provision to the canonry and prebend
in the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris, vacant on the death of Guillaume le
Condurier. The income was not expected to exceed 24 ducats.
RS 1347,fols. 275r- 275v: supplication dated 6June, 151 . Mouton, de-
scribed as a canon of the cathedral of Notre Dame, Master of Arts, and rector of
the parish church of St-Denis de Bourdenfer in the diocese of Paris [and not as a
singer in any royal chapel], 78 asks for a dispensation allowing him to hold three
incompatible benefices.
Jean Nolin*79
RS 1347, fol. 274r: supplication dated 6June, 1510. Nolin, described as
rector of the parish church of St-Remy de Ponchon in the diocese ofBeauvais and
as a singer in the queen's chapel,80 asks for a dispensation to allow him to hold
three incompatible benefices.
RS 1397,fols. 219r- 2 1v: supplication dated 1 oNovember, 1512. Fran-
ciscus, Bishop-elect of Nantes, has resigned the parish church of Nort in the dio-
cese of Nantes. Nolin, described as a cleric of the diocese of Chartres [and not as a
singer in any royal chapel],81 asks for the benefices. Franciscus was in the house-
hold of Cardinal Robert Challand. The income was not expected to exceed
go ducats.
RS 1399, fols. 157r-157v: supplication dated 1o November, 1512. An-
other document concerning the same benefice, and others claimed byJean Richa-
fort, Egide Charpentier, and Balduin Lupi. See Charpentier above.
Robert Presel
See Galoys above.
Conrad Renuger
See king's chapel list above.
Jean Richafort
Although none of the documents mentioned here
specifically states that Richafort was a member of any royal chapel, it
77 "Petrus Mouton,
presbiter Parisiensis, in artibus magister."
78 "Petrus
Mouton, canonicus ecclesie Parisiensis, ac rector parrochialis ecclesie Sancti
Dionisii de Bourdenfer Parisiensis diocesis, magister in artibus."
79 He
may be the "Noly" in the 1515 list.
Johannes Nolin, rector parrochialis ecclesie Sancti Remigii de Ponchon Belvacensis
diocesis, capelle devote vestre Anne francorum regine illustrissime cantor capellanus."
"Johannes Nolin, clericus Carnotensis."
seems almost certain that he belonged to Anne's chapel because the
benefice he received was in Brittany. These are the earliest documents
connecting him with the French court.82 He was also one of the singers
of the chapel of Fran?ois I to receive benefices and favors from Leo X.83
RS 1397, fol. 219v: supplication dated o November, 1512. Franciscus,
Bishop-elect of Nantes has resigned the parish church of Touches in the diocese of
Nantes. Richafort, described as a cleric of Liege [and not as a singer in any royal
chapel], 84 asksfor the benefice. The income was not expected to exceed 1 oo ducats.
RS 1399, fols. 157r-5 7v: supplication dated o November, 1512. An-
other document concerning the same benefice, and others claimed by Egide Char-
pentier, Jean Nolin, and Balduin Lupi. See Charpentier above.
Claudin de Sermizy*
The earliest document about Sermizy places him in
the Sainte-Chapelle in July, 1508. The documents presented below fill
out part of a gap in his biography, and suggest that he was one of the
musicians whom the queen enticed away from the Sainte-Chapelle in
78 late 1508.85 He is also one of the singers of the chapel of Fran?ois I who
received benefices and favors from Leo X.86
RS 1339 fols. 65v- 66r: supplication dated 4 February, 151o. Sermizy,
described as a cleric of "N" diocese and as a singer in the queen's chapel,87 asks to
be granted in commendam the priory of St-Jean de Bouguennes of the Augustin-
ian Order in the diocese of Nantes, vacant on the death of Gohin, Abbot of the
monastery of Ste-Marie Magdalene de Genestonio in the diocese of Nantes. The
income was said not to exceed i oo ducats.
RS 1348, fol. 1 29 r: supplication dated 8June, 151 o. Sermizy, described as
a cleric of the diocese of Noyon, prior of the priory of St-Jean de Bouguennes [see
above] in the diocese of Nantes, and as a singer in the queen's chapel,88 asks for a
dispensation to allow him to hold three incompatible benefices.
See Lawrence Bernstein, La Couronne et Fleur des Chansons a Troys, Part 2: Commen-
tary; Masters and Monuments of the Renaissance, vol. 3 (New York, 1984) for a summary
of Richafort's biography.
83 RV 1206, fols.
468r-46gv: bull dated 3oJanuary, 1516. Richafort is given a dispen-
sation allowing him to hold incompatible benefices. He is also described as rector of the
parish church of Touches in the diocese of Nantes (see document above).
84 "Johannes Richafort, clericus Leodiensis."
85 Bonime, "Anne de
Bretagne," pp. 36-37.
RV 1206, fols. 466v-468r: bull dated 3oJanuary, 15 16. Sermizy is given a dispensa-
tion allowing him to hold incompatible benefices.
87 "Claudius de Sermisi, clericus N diocesis, dilecte in Christo et Sancte Romane Eccle-
sie filie vestre Anne Francorum regine et Britannie ducisse Christianissime cantor."
88 "Claudius de Sermissy, clericus Noviomensis diocesis, prioratus commendatorius
Jean de Vasse
RS 1347, fol. 275v: supplication dated 6June, 151o. De Vasse, described
as a cleric of Le Mans and as a singer in the queen's chapel, 89 asks for a dispensa-
tion to allow him to hold three incompatible benefices.
RS 1347, fol. 277v: 1 1 June, 1510. De Vasse, described as a cleric of Le
Mans [and not as a singer in any royal chapel]90 asks for a new provision to a
canonry and prebend in the cathedral of Le Mans vacant on the death of Marius
Guerrande. The income was said not to exceed 24 ducats.
Fran;ois Le Vigoreux*
Le Vigoreux is not identified in this document as a
singer in either royal chapel, but I am assuming that he was a member of
Anne's chapel because the benefice involved was in the diocese of
RS 1359, fol. 302v: supplication dated 2January, 1511. See entry under
The most interesting information presented here
concerns the extent and quality of the chapel of Anne de Bretagne (al-
though of course it is a question as to how separate the chapels of the
king and queen really were). While it has long been known that she had a
private chapel, and that Mouton was one of her singers,91 it had not been
known (as these supplications show) that the Queen employed others of
the rising generation of French composers; in fact she employed almost
all of them (Mouton, Divitis, Richafort, and Sermizy), or that she had
such a large chapel (16 people can be identified as her chapel singers in
the years 1510-14; in 1515, the king's chapel numbered 22, and this
presumably represented a merger of the two royal chapels). Anne's
chapel might have been formed as an expression of her special devotion
to religion and love of music; more likely she maintained one more as
part of her dignity as the reigning Duchess of Brittany than as Queen of
France. Indeed, her personal patronage o