Given Name
Date of birth
Active period
circa 1505 - circa 1550
Cathédrale de Meaux
Chapelle royale de France ?
Voir notice NG2
Sherr 1988, p. 81-82 : Pierre Moulu (?)
The following documents concern a "Petrus Moulu" who is not further identified as a singer or musician. However, the general date and the name allow for the possibility that these are the only documents yet found about the composer.98
98 However, the last document, which appears to show him resident in Meaux in 1513, a period when he should have been connected with the French court, may speak against the identification.
RS 1213, fol. 52r. supplication dated 3o August, 1505. Moulu, described as a cleric of the diocese of Meaux and in his 21st year,99 asks for an indult to allow him to take possession of one of the major chaplainries of the cathedral of Meaux. He states that he has fulfilled the obligation that possessors of such chaplainries be educated at the cathedral ("in prefata ecclesia nutritus et divinis officiis instructus"), and he asks permission to be able to fulfil the other condition that he be ordained a priest.
RS 1214, fols. 22r- 22v: supplication dated 18 September, 1505. Moulu, described as a cleric of the diocese of Meaux and in his 2 lst year'00 asksfor a new provision to the chaplainry of St-Eloi in the cathedral of Meaux. The income was not expected to exceed 24florins.
RS 1422, fols. 226r-227v: supplication dated 1o September, 1513.
Moulu has resigned the chaplainry at the altar of St-Eloi in the cathedral of Meaux, but asks to continue to be allowed to live in the house in the cathedral close reserved for the person who held this chaplainry.
82 99 "Petrus Moulu, clericus Meldensis diocesis in vicesimoprimo sue etatis anno consti-82 tutus."
100 "Petrus Moulu, clericus Meldensis diocesis in vicesimoprimo sue etatis anno constitutus."
singer in any royal chapel],77 asks for a new provision to the canonry and prebend in the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris, vacant on the death of Guillaume le Condurier. The income was not expected to exceed 24 ducats.
Sherr 1988, p. 81-82 : Pierre Moulu (?)
The following documents concern a "Petrus Moulu" who is not further identified as a singer or musician. However, the general date and the name allow for the possibility that these are the only documents yet found about the composer.98
98 However, the last document, which appears to show him resident in Meaux in 1513, a period when he should have been connected with the French court, may speak against the identification.
RS 1213, fol. 52r. supplication dated 3o August, 1505. Moulu, described as a cleric of the diocese of Meaux and in his 21st year,99 asks for an indult to allow him to take possession of one of the major chaplainries of the cathedral of Meaux. He states that he has fulfilled the obligation that possessors of such chaplainries be educated at the cathedral ("in prefata ecclesia nutritus et divinis officiis instructus"), and he asks permission to be able to fulfil the other condition that he be ordained a priest.
RS 1214, fols. 22r- 22v: supplication dated 18 September, 1505. Moulu, described as a cleric of the diocese of Meaux and in his 2 lst year'00 asksfor a new provision to the chaplainry of St-Eloi in the cathedral of Meaux. The income was not expected to exceed 24florins.
RS 1422, fols. 226r-227v: supplication dated 1o September, 1513.
Moulu has resigned the chaplainry at the altar of St-Eloi in the cathedral of Meaux, but asks to continue to be allowed to live in the house in the cathedral close reserved for the person who held this chaplainry.
82 99 "Petrus Moulu, clericus Meldensis diocesis in vicesimoprimo sue etatis anno consti-82 tutus."
100 "Petrus Moulu, clericus Meldensis diocesis in vicesimoprimo sue etatis anno constitutus."
singer in any royal chapel],77 asks for a new provision to the canonry and prebend in the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris, vacant on the death of Guillaume le Condurier. The income was not expected to exceed 24 ducats.
Sherr 1988