Villin (de)
Given Name
Active period
1510 - 1510
Chapelle royale de France
Sherr 1988, p. 70
Nicasius de Villin
RS 1337, fol. 136r: supplication dated 5 February, 1510. Villin, described as a canon of the churcho f Notre Dame de Cleriaco" nulliusd iocesis,"a nd as a singer in thek ing'sc hapel,44a sksf or a dispensatione xtendingp ermissiont o hold incompatibleb eneficest o three.
44 "Nicasius de Villin, canonicus ecclesie Beate Marie de Cleriaco nullius diocesis ad
cRaonmtoarnc aampee lclacnleussia."
Nicasius de Villin
RS 1337, fol. 136r: supplication dated 5 February, 1510. Villin, described as a canon of the churcho f Notre Dame de Cleriaco" nulliusd iocesis,"a nd as a singer in thek ing'sc hapel,44a sksf or a dispensatione xtendingp ermissiont o hold incompatibleb eneficest o three.
44 "Nicasius de Villin, canonicus ecclesie Beate Marie de Cleriaco nullius diocesis ad
cRaonmtoarnc aampee lclacnleussia."
Sherr 1988