Given Name
Active period
1510 - 1510
Chapelle royale de France
Sherr 1988, p. 79
Guillaume Porci*
RS 1337, fols. 136r-136v: supplication dated 5 February, 1510. Porci,
described as the rector of the parish church of St. Viexius de Ruvere in the diocese
ofBayeux, Master ofArts, and as a singer in the king's chapel,39 asksfor a dispen-
sation allowing him to hold two incompatible benefices.
39 "Guillermus Porci, rector parrochialis ecclesie Sancti Viexiis de Ruvere Baiocensis
diocesis, magister in artibus, ac capelle Christianissimi francorum regis cantor capel-
Guillaume Porci*
RS 1337, fols. 136r-136v: supplication dated 5 February, 1510. Porci,
described as the rector of the parish church of St. Viexius de Ruvere in the diocese
ofBayeux, Master ofArts, and as a singer in the king's chapel,39 asksfor a dispen-
sation allowing him to hold two incompatible benefices.
39 "Guillermus Porci, rector parrochialis ecclesie Sancti Viexiis de Ruvere Baiocensis
diocesis, magister in artibus, ac capelle Christianissimi francorum regis cantor capel-
Sherr 1988