Given Name
Date of death
Active period
1414 - 1446
Cathédrale de Cambrai
Planchart : Adam Hocquet: first documented as a small vicar in an act of 01 November 1437, where he served as a witness [CBM 1057, 58v]. The earliest mention of Hocquet known to me is as a (small) vicar in St. Géry taking part in the obit the emperor Charles the Bald on 6 October 1414 [LAN, 7G 2411 (1414-15), 14r (Adinet)], and as the clerk in the chaplaincy of the Salve that same year, when Du Fay was the chaplain [LAN, 7G 2918, 19r]. He became a full fledged chaplain at St. Géry in 1417-18 [LAN, 7922, 4r] and remained until 1437-38 [LAN, 4G 2945, 4r]. In 1437, as noted above, he was a small vicar at Cambrai, obtained the chaplaincy of St. Nicaise [CBM, 1057, 60v] and joined the grand community of chaplains [LAN, 4G 6098, 14v] and appears in the lists until 1445-46 [LAN, 4G 6913, 20v]. His name is in the first list of small vicars in the wine accounts on 24 June 1439 [LAN, 4G 7439, 8r], and he served until 24 October 1446 [CBM 1058, 84v; LAN, 4G 7446, 6v]. He died on 18 December 1446 and Du Fay was one of his executors [CBM 1058, 91v].
• ?? (Fallows Cat=)Article NG2 Adam (fl 1420-30). Composer…Adamo Grand (sometimes called Magister Adam), master of the choirboys at the Savoy ducal chapel from 1433 to 1438.
• ?? (Fallows Cat=)Article NG2 Adam (fl 1420-30). Composer…Adamo Grand (sometimes called Magister Adam), master of the choirboys at the Savoy ducal chapel from 1433 to 1438.
Planchart PCR