Purol (de)
Given Name
Active period
1445 - 1454
Planchart : Denis de Purol (Denisot, Dionysius de Puroli): was a small vicar from 30 November 1445 to 25 February 1446 [LAN, 4G 7445, 6v]. His departure is implied in the wine account, which gives the list of those present on 25 February without him. Two graces granted to him are recorded in the acts on 30 January and 26 July 1454 [CBM 1059, 80r; 98v], and it is the last of these that gives his last name. The first of these calls him a small vicar and the second a former small vicar, but in fact, the wine accounts record no other Denis between 1445 and 1454, and neither do the accounts of the small vicars, which survive for 1454-55.