Hollande (de)
Given Name
Employee of a court chapel (musician)
Known voice range
Active period
1462 - 1478
Antwerpen ?
Basilica di San Pietro in Roma
Magyar királyi kápolna
Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekathedraal in Antwerpen ?
Reynolds 1995, p.46 sq: For most of his tenure at St. Peter's, Gregorio sang with the contra and priest Philippo (April 1462-May 1465). A supplication dated 19 February 1465 reveals him to be Philippus de Holland, cleric from the diocese of Worms, a singer at St. Peter's as well as rector at the altar of St. John Chrysostom. On this day he received his promotion to the order of priest; indeed, during March the chapter of St. Peter's granted him two ducats as alms for his first Masses "sung in our church."[38] He may be the Philippus de Hollandia who was a vicar at Antwerp Cathedral in 1441 (although a promotion to the priesthood usually took place at age twenty-five), or the composer of the Missa Je ne vis oncques la pareille copied in 1476 into Munich 3154 and attributed only to "Phi. Hol." After leaving St. Peter's in May 1465, Philippo Holland is documented in Budapest at the court of Mathias Corvinus and Beatrice of Aragon in 1478.[39] At St. Peter's Philippo was the scribe of approximately eight quinterns of music for the choir in 1463, music that presumably survives in the basilica's choirbook, SPB80.
[38] The supplication is in Reg. suppl. 578, fol. 217r. Doc. 1465a records the alms. Although this payment is dated 31 March 1465, payments made on the last day of the month were often for services made in preceding weeks.
[39] Regarding Antwerp, see J. Van den Nieuwenhuizen, "De koralen de zangers en de zangmeesters van de Antwerpse O.-L.-Vrouwekerk tijdens de 15e eeuw," 38. The Mass in Munich 3154, fols. 131v-37v is discussed in Tom Noblitt, "Das Chorbuch des Nikolaus Leopold (München, Staatsbibliothek, Mus. Ms. 3154): Repertorium," and "Die Datierung der Handschrift Mus. Ms. 3154 der Staatsbibliothek München." For the Hungarian reference, see Peter Király, "Un séjour de Josquin des Prés à la cour de Hongrie?," 147. Lockwood, Music in Renaissance Ferrara, 1400-1505: The Creation of a Musical Center in the Fifteenth Century , 47, 50, 161, 316, records a Niccolo Philippo de Olanda at Ferrara from 1446 to 1448 and 1471 to 1481. This singer was, however, a soprano. A year after Philippo left St. Peter's, a Ffelippo de Burgunya copied "diversos officis ecclesiastichs" into a "libro de cant orgue" for the chapel of Ferrante I in Naples; see Tammaro de Marinis, La biblioteca napoletana dei re d'Aragona , 2:247, no. 226.
[38] The supplication is in Reg. suppl. 578, fol. 217r. Doc. 1465a records the alms. Although this payment is dated 31 March 1465, payments made on the last day of the month were often for services made in preceding weeks.
[39] Regarding Antwerp, see J. Van den Nieuwenhuizen, "De koralen de zangers en de zangmeesters van de Antwerpse O.-L.-Vrouwekerk tijdens de 15e eeuw," 38. The Mass in Munich 3154, fols. 131v-37v is discussed in Tom Noblitt, "Das Chorbuch des Nikolaus Leopold (München, Staatsbibliothek, Mus. Ms. 3154): Repertorium," and "Die Datierung der Handschrift Mus. Ms. 3154 der Staatsbibliothek München." For the Hungarian reference, see Peter Király, "Un séjour de Josquin des Prés à la cour de Hongrie?," 147. Lockwood, Music in Renaissance Ferrara, 1400-1505: The Creation of a Musical Center in the Fifteenth Century , 47, 50, 161, 316, records a Niccolo Philippo de Olanda at Ferrara from 1446 to 1448 and 1471 to 1481. This singer was, however, a soprano. A year after Philippo left St. Peter's, a Ffelippo de Burgunya copied "diversos officis ecclesiastichs" into a "libro de cant orgue" for the chapel of Ferrante I in Naples; see Tammaro de Marinis, La biblioteca napoletana dei re d'Aragona , 2:247, no. 226.