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Prosopographie des chantres de la Renaissance
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Le Queulx , Guillaume (1577-1585)
Altus, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Haute contre, Known voice range, Musician, Singer
Le Gras , Guillaume (1535-1536)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
Le Grand , Barthélemy (1609-1609)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
Le Goix, Guillaume (1418-1448)
Musician, Singer
Le Febure , Philippe (1586-1586)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
Le Febure , Denis (1600-circa 1615)
Basse contre, Bassus, Known voice range, Musician, Singer
Le Dru , Jean (1541-1578)
Altus, Choirboy, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Haute contre, Known voice range, Musician, Singer
Le Cung, Jean (…-2 Nov. 1548)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Le Cousturier , Bertault (1418-1418)
Musician, Singer
Le Cornet, — (1608-1608)
Musician, Player of high instruments
Le Coq , Robin (1418-1418)
Musician, Singer
Le Coq , Mathieu (…-Nov. 1540)
Musician, Singer
Le Conte , Thomas (1629-1638)
Musician, Singer
Le Conte , Jehannin (1418-1418)
Musician, Singer
Le Cœur , Clément (1630-1657)
Basse contre, Bassus, Known voice range, Musician, Singer
Le Clerc , Hugues (1421-circa 1425)
Le Carpentier , Robin (1418-1418)
Musician, Singer
Le Brun , Geoffroy (1635-1641)
Known voice range, Musician, Singer, Taille, Tenor
Le Bouteiller, Geoffroy (1356-1377)
Cantor (ecclesiastical dignitary), Employee of a court chapel (musician), First Chaplain, Musician
Le Blanc , Nicolas (1600-1600)
Basse contre, Bassus, Known voice range, Musician, Singer
Le Blanc , Guillaume (…-May 1642)
Altus, Haute contre, Known voice range, Master of choirboys, Master of Music, Musician, Singer
Lebecque , Étienne (1418-1418)
Musician, Singer
Layné , Pierre (1595-1595)
Musician, Singer
Layde (de), Geoffroy (de)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
La Voipiere (de), Nicolas (de)
Musician, Singer
La Bigne (de), Gace (de)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), First Chaplain, Musician
Lavieille , Guerart (1418-1418)
Musician, Singer
Laval (de), Jean (de)
Composer (no known polyphonic works preserved), Musician, Singer
Laurens , Regnault (1560-1560)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
Laude , Bonaventure (1601-1614)
Basse contre, Bassus, Known voice range, Musician, Singer
Lattoc (de), Antoine (de)
Musician, Singer
La Solde (de), François (de)
Basse contre, Bassus, Known voice range, Musician, Singer
La Ruelle (de), Toussaint (de)
Choirboy, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Master of choirboys, Musician, Singer
Le Roullier, Richard
Laon (de), Guy (de)
Cantor (ecclesiastical dignitary), Musician
Lannoy (de), Jean (de)
Landry , Guillaume (1507-1510)
Musician, Singer
La Mare (de), Jean (de)
La Mare (de), Abraham (de)
Musician, Singer
Lalongne , — (1509-1509)
Musician, Singer
Lallemand , Pierre (1601-circa 1613)
La Haye (de), Louis (de)
Cantor (ecclesiastical dignitary), Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
La Haye (de), Christophe (de)
Dessus, Known voice range, Musician, Singer, Soprano, Superius
La Grange (de), Claude (de)
Musician, Organist
La Grange (de), Charles (de)
Lagarde (de), Jean (de)
Musician, Singer
La Fosse (de), Jacques (de)
Musician, Singer
La Fons (de), — (de)
Musician, Singer
La Ferté (de), Jacques (de)
Cantor (ecclesiastical dignitary), Musician, Singer
La Croix (de), Jean (de)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
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