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Prosopographie des chantres de la Renaissance
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Maisières (de), Jacques (de)
Cantor (ecclesiastical dignitary)
Mahiot, — (1523-1525)
Musician, Singer
Maçon , Jean (1384-1385)
Musician, Singer
Macien , Jean (1511-1513)
Known voice range, Master of choirboys, Musician, Singer, Tenor
Lyon , — (1602-1602)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
Luxembourg (de), Simon (de)
Lusseux (de), Audry (de)
Musician, Singer
Lupicen (de), Jean (de)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
Luillier , Nicolas (1569-1586)
Cantor (ecclesiastical dignitary), Musician
Ludet , Louis (1572-1584)
Master of choirboys, Musician
Louvetel , Michel (1510-1510)
Musician, Singer
Lormeteau , Pierre (…-6 May 1571)
Musician, Singer
Loré , Louis (1629-1630)
Musician, Singer
Lontant, — (1512-1512)
Musician, Singer
Lonnet , Guillaume (1510-1511)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
Longueval (de), Antoine (de)
Basse contre, Bassus, Chapelmaster, Composer, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Known voice range, Musician, Singer
Longueuil (de), Pierre (de)
Loiseau , Guy (1567-1567)
Lizières , René (1629-1645)
Altus, Haute contre, Known voice range, Musician, Singer
Ligny (de), Geoffroy (de)
Musician, Singer
Lheritier , Antoine (1508-1532)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Le Velu , Henry (…-16 Sep. 1573)
Musician, Singer
Levesque , Claude (1615-1615)
Musician, Singer
Le Vavasseur , Guillaume (1565-1587)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Known voice range, Musician, Singer, Taille, Tenor
Le Vasseur , Thomas (…-9 Oct. 1483)
Le Trot , Jacques (…-23 Jul. 1585)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Le Tholier , Nicolas (1613-1613)
Musician, Singer
Lestulier , Jean (1508-1514)
Dessus, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Known voice range, Musician, Singer, Soprano, Superius
Lestrange (de), François (de)
Lespine (de), Jean (de)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
L'Espée (de), Jean (de)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
Lescuyer , Simon (…-1624)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Lescuyer , Jean (1482-1482)
Musician, Singer
Lescluse (de), Pierre (de)
Musician, Singer
Le Roy , Pierre (1463-1463)
Musician, Singer
Le Roy , Étienne (…-1621)
Chapelmaster, Composer, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Le Roy , Étienne (circa 1549-…)
Dessus, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Known voice range, Master of choirboys, Musician, Singer, Soprano, Superius
Le Roy , Christophe (1573-1573)
Musician, Singer
Le Roy , — (1526-1526)
Musician, Singer
Le Roux , Jean (1594-1598)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
Le Roullier, René (…-14 Sep. 1559)
Le Roullier, Pierre (…-Jun. 1578)
Leremer , Henry (1418-1418)
Musician, Singer
Lepaintre, Jean (1438-circa 1468)
Le Noir , Jean (1518-1518)
Musician, Singer
Le Nayn , Mathieu (1524-1524)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
Le Long , Arthur (1573-1575)
Musician, Singer
Le Liégeois , — (…-1532)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Le Large , Pierre (1585-1589)
Basse contre, Bassus, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Known voice range, Musician, Singer
Le Keu , Adrien (…-18 Aug. 1586)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Known voice range, Musician, Singer, Taille, Tenor
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