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Prosopographie des chantres de la Renaissance
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Gollitz, Peter (1527-1527)
Altus, Contratenor, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Haute contre, Musician, Singer
Hiersch, Christof (1527-1527)
Brauendorffer, Hanns (1527-1527)
Musician, Organist
Mayer, Niclaus (1492-1492)
Employee of a court chapel (lower ranked officer), First Chaplain
Pamhäckel, Maximilian (1544-1544)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
Aubriot, Pierre (1573-1575)
Musician, Organist
Joli, Pierre (1573-1574)
Musician, Singer
Branslart, André (1564-1577)
Musician, Organist
Cellier, Jacques (1577-1577)
Musician, Organist
Pain, Martin (…-31 Aug. 1578)
Basse contre, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Known voice range, Musician, Singer
Du Royaulme, Pierre (1574-1574)
Composer, Master of choirboys, Musician
Tallement, Pierre (1564-1565)
Master of choirboys, Musician
Roullier, Jean (1564-1564)
Master of choirboys, Musician
Bry (de), Pierre (de)
Musician, Singer
Halluin, Blaise (1562-1562)
Musician, Singer
Foucquer, Antoine (1562-1562)
Musician, Singer
Tassin, François (1564-1564)
Musician, Singer
Rousseau, Nicolas (1562-1562)
Musician, Singer
Bloquier, Mathieu (1570-1595 )
Basse contre, Bassus, Known voice range, Musician, Singer
Kellergraf, Jakob (1496-1496)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Organist
Isaac, Heinrich (1484-1517)
Composer, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Accot, Georg (1504-1509)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Organist
Höfler, Jörg (1508-1513)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Sattler, Hans (1511-1524)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Organist
Hofhaimer, Wilhelm (1525-1525)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Organist
Zeller, Hans (1518-1518)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Schiffmann, Leopold (1518-1518)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Behaim, Andreas (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Egweiler, Michael (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Fritz, Jacobus (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Gschirr, Peter (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Hauser, Johannes (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Hemerle, Michael (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Hofhaimer, Sebastian (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Kender, Michael (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Philippus, Knoder (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Knod, Paul (1501-1545)
Choirboy, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Köchl, Johannes (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Kottler, Arbogastus (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Königsberg (von), Conradus (von)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Macellarius, Ambrosius (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Nesl, Johannes (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Pergartshaimer, Michael (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Rottenstainer, Johannes (1508-1512)
Basse contre, Bassus, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Known voice range, Musician, Singer
Schonnauer, Petrus (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Seufrid, Martin (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Seytz, Johannes (1508-1550)
Altus, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Known voice range, Musician, Singer, Cantor (ecclesiastical dignitary), Succentor (ecclesiastical office)
La Rue (de), Robert (de)
Composer, Master of choirboys, Musician
Monnicault, — (1522-1522)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Parrain, Gilles (1532-1547)
Known voice range, Musician, Singer, Taille, Tenor
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