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Prosopographie des chantres de la Renaissance
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Sittich, Sebastian (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Smaltz, Simon (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Schmältzl, Jonas (1549-1549)
Choirboy, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Stahel, Christian (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Sticker, Ulrich (1500-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Stöckl, Conrad (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Tott, Christian (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Trabswetter, Martin (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Vischer, Cunibert (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Vogel, Johannes (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Waldner, Johannes (1508-1519)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician
Warischlachner, Johannes (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Weichselberger, Valentinus (1508-1508)
Weiss, Johannes (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Weyss, Mathias (1508-1508)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Rener, Adam (1498-1520)
Composer (no known polyphonic works preserved), Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Le Conte, Bartholomeus (1547-1565)
Composer, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Known voice range, Musician, Singer, Tenor
Cambrai (de), Jean (de)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Chastelain, François (…-9 Sep. 1540)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Lambert, Pierre (circa 1492-…)
Basse contre, Bassus, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Known voice range, Musician, Singer
Corniere, Jean (…-1532)
Doulcet, Robert (1519-1519)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician
Le Conte, Jean (1528-1548)
Dessus, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Known voice range, Musician, Singer, Soprano, Superius
Longinque, Lucas (1546-1570 )
Altus, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Known voice range, Musician, Singer
Monceau, Jean (1538-1539)
Souman, Antoine (1529-1529)
Touppe, Michel (…-before 16 Nov. 1511)
Capella (de), — (de)
Composer, Musician
La Chapelle (de), Hugues (de)
Composer, Musician
Vassadel, Bertrand (1481-1507 )
Composer, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Beaulieu (de), Eustorg (de)
Composer, Musician, Organist
Beaulieu (de), Girard (de)
Composer (no known polyphonic works preserved), Musician, Organist, Singer
Beaulieu (de), Lambert (de)
Composer (no known polyphonic works preserved), Musician, Organist, Singer
—, Bon (1506-1506)
Master of choirboys, Musician, Singer
Turbelin, Jacques (1462-1496 )
Master of choirboys, Musician
Labin, Jacques (1496-1496)
Lesculier, Simon (1473-1473 )
Planchon, Jean (1510-1510 )
Goulin, Pierre (1412-1412)
Master of choirboys, Musician
Fouquet, Nicolas (1573-8 May 1617)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
Le Bouc, Israël (1586-1599)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Wavrechin (de), Nicaise (de)
Outreau (d’), Guillaume (d’)
Plattelet, Jean (1407-1407)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Known voice range, Musician, Singer, Tenor, Ténoriste
Des François, Florent (1633-1633)
Composer (no known polyphonic works preserved), Master of Music, Musician
—, Guichard (1506-1506)
Master of choirboys, Musician, Singer
Herlevin, Jean (1444-1445)
Musician, Singer
Spina (de), Philippe (de)
Music copyist, Musician
Boursier, Jean (1428-1428)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
Gourdet, Mathurin (1481-1487)
Master of choirboys, Musician
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