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Prosopographie des chantres de la Renaissance
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Poutre, Philippe (1582-1583)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Aubert, Jean (1582-1582)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Ruellé, Pierre (…-4 Jun. 1613)
Cantor (ecclesiastical dignitary), Musician
Romey (de), Isaac (de)
Musician, Singer
Foussier, René (1577-circa 1582)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Vincent, Geoffroy (1577-1577)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Sergent , Guillaume (1575-1575)
Musician, Singer
Regnard , Tristan (1575-1587)
Musician, Singer
Souchet , Claude (1563-1583)
Musician, Singer
Vuagon , André (1573-1574)
Altus, Haute contre, Known voice range, Musician, Singer
Tarier , François (1572-1572)
Musician, Singer
Laubespine (de), Guillaume (de)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Pinson , Jean (1570-1570)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
Passart , Jacques (1559-1570)
Musician, Singer
Broé (de), Bon (de)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Truphy , Pierre (1565-1569)
Cantor (ecclesiastical dignitary), Musician
Richardot , Thomas (1561-1569)
Musician, Singer
Rasilly (de), Regnault (de)
Musician, Singer
Baugy (de), Jean (de)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Resin , Bertin (1543-1567)
Musician, Singer
Taneau , Claude (1566-1566)
Musician, Singer
Sany (de), Pierre (de)
Musician, Singer
Pinot , François (1563-1563)
Basse contre, Bassus, Known voice range, Musician, Singer
Verrier , Étienne (1559-1563)
Musician, Singer
Pollaer , Guillaume (1562-1562)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
Verdereau, Gabriel (1562-1565)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Sermisy (de), Claudin (de)
Chapelmaster, Composer, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Master of choirboys, Musician, Singer
Des Moulins, Jérôme (1561-1575)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Thorel , François (1561-1561)
Musician, Organist
Longueval (de), Charles (de)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Vasseur , Jacques (1560-1560)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
Normand, Antoine (…-Oct. 1557)
Bassus, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Known voice range, Musician, Singer
Brézé (de), Étienne (de)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Fournier, Pierre (…-14 Jul. 1575)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Belleau, Jacques (…-24 May 1583)
Employee of a court chapel (musician), Musician, Singer
Testart, Nicolas (…-27 Oct. 1559)
Chapelmaster, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Haute contre, Known voice range, Musician, Singer
Volant , Henry (1543-1547)
Musician, Singer
Fayolle (de), Barnabé (de)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Simony , Simon (1546-1546)
Musician, Singer
Griveau, Nicolas (1546-1569)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Chauvreux (de), Jean-Louis (de)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Pinot , Germain (1546-1546)
Musician, Singer
Varlot (de), Maurin (de)
Choirboy, Musician, Singer
Rosset, André (1544-1544)
Paris (de), Guillaume (de)
Cantor (ecclesiastical dignitary), Musician
Du Hardas, Arthur (1539-1563)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Bidart, Denis (1538-circa 1555)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Gouy (de), Jean (de)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Bayart, Jean (1533-circa 1536)
Employee of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Stappen (de), Crispin (de)
Composer, Employee of a court chapel (musician), Known voice range, Music copyist, Musician, Singer, Tenor, Ténoriste
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